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A Black Plum is as Sweet as White one

Proof of the pudding lies in eating. Real worth of everything is determined by its utility or intrinsic value and not by its color and shape. For example, plums are of various colors but they are equally sweet, they are equally priced and are equally in demand. If white plums and black plums with equal degree of sweetness are on sale, no body will pay a higher price for the white ones due to their color only, nor will he refuse to buy the black ones for the same reason. A diamond is a diamond whether cut or in crude form. We value our black woolen suit as much as we value the white one, provided they are otherwise of the same quality. It also happens that if the white one is of inferior quality or does not fit well, we may actually prefer the black one. We should, therefore, apply the same criteria to human relations. We should not always be prepared to play a second fiddle to the white people of Europe and America and adopt a patronizing or big brotherly attitude towards the black nations of Africa. Similarly in matters emotional, we should discover, respect and worship, the qualities of sweet nature, maturity, intellectual accomplishments and lasting friendship, irrespective of the color and complexion of the individual. People who lose their hearts to the girls with dazzling white complexion at first, ignoring their other weak points, are often left to repent at leisure. Color may be deceptive. A well-accomplished sober and faithful girl is, therefore, always better than the fairest of the flirts.


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