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No man can be wise on an empty stomach

Good living accommodation, clean drinking water, adequate and tidy clothing, balanced diet and reasonable amount of exercise are essential for a good healthy life. Unfortunately, the poor cannot afford any of these. For obvious reasons, they generally live in slums and commit the folly of purchasing cheaper varieties of flour, rice, pulses, meat, fish, milk, vegetables etc. and consume illicit liquor. All these things spoil the physical and mental health of the poor. A healthy and sound mind cannot live in an unhealthy body. In search of their daily bread, they are forced to give up all moral values and take to foolish and criminal tendencies. When they are in the process of going off the track, people call them fools. When they are spoiled, people call them criminals. In the former case, they ruin themselves and their families. In the case of crime they become a menace for the society and sometimes pay heavily for their deeds. But if we go a little deep into their lives, we find that they took to their foolish and criminal ways due only to poverty. It is, but natural, because no man can be wise on an empty stomach. Hunger takes away all wisdom from man and makes him do things, which he would not otherwise dare to think of.


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