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Look! I just saved the world….

But I have a confession!

Jerry: Today on the show, we have with us … the heroes and heroines that saved the world!

[Audience Cheers]

Jerry: Our first guest says he can’t get enough women…

[Jerry looks at Chrono]

Jerry: So Chrono, you say that you are cheating on Marle. Just so you know, Marle is backstage, but she can’t us. We put those ear muff things on her.

One of Jerry’s fans: They’re not called earmuffs!
Jerry: Oh, Who cares?

Chrono: Yeah anyways, as you’ve already said I’m cheating on Marle and I really want to tell her.
Jerry: Well let’s bring her out.
[Music Cue]
[Marle runs out from backstage with her crossbow and she shoots an arrow at Chrono and Chrono jumps behind a chair]
Marle: Didn’t you know those earmuffs things never work?
Jerry: Umm…Welcome Marle

[Marle sits down]
Chrono: I’m cheating on you with…

Marle: Come on tell me or I’ll stick this crossbow straight up your ass!
Chrono: Lucca
Marle: What!? But she’s a geek!
[Lucca comes out]

Lucca: I thought you broke up with Marle.
[Lucca sits down]

Jerry: But Chrono don’t have something else to tell them.
Chrono: Yes…I’ve also been sleeping with Ayla!
Marle and Lucca: What!?
[Ayla comes out]

Jerry: God Chrono you’re one messed up Son of a bitch!

Marle: So Chrono when exactly when did you sleep with Ayla?

Chrono: Well remember that time that I said I was going to see Ayla and have soup…
Marle: That’s when you guys did it?

Chrono: Actually no we did it when you were gone to see your father.
Marle: So why did you tell me about getting soup?

Chrono: The soup played a big part.

Marle and Lucca: Why?
Chrono: Ayla is very pretty when you’re hammered…
Ayla: So Ayla only pretty when you drunk?
[Marle, Lucca and Ayla get mad and attack Chrono. Hours later they stop and Chrono is laying in his own pool of blood]
Jerry: Interesting
[Commercial Break]
Jerry: Our next guest is Robo…

[Robo comes out]

[Robo sits down]

Jerry: So, why’re you here?

Robo: I just want to tell the world that I’m gay!

[Lucca runs out]

Lucca: But I re-programmed you!

Robo: Well, obviously you didn’t do a good job did you!?

Jerry: Anything else?

Robo: Yes, everybody who’s watching this… I HAVE BEEN SLEEPING WITH JERRY SPRINGER!!!

Jerry: You weren’t supposed to tell everyone that!

[Jerry shoots Robo with a shotgun, Robo explodes]

Lucca: Damn it! Now I’m gonna have to re-program him again!

[Lucca shoots Springer with her Wondershot]

[Jerry dies]

Fan: Good job, now’s who’s gonna host this talk show!?

[Seconds later, Magus flies out]

Magus: I will!  From now on this show will be called the “Magus I-don’t-know-my-last-name-but-maybe-I-don’t-have-one show!”

[Everyone looks confused]

Magus: Now, where were we? Oh yeah, our next guess!

[Frog walks out, carrying the Masamune]

Magus: Why’re you here?

Frog: Cuz I do nasty things with my sword!

Magus: Explain…

Frog: Sometimes I like to stick my d…

Magus: That’s enough, we get the point!

Frog: Did you say POINT?

Magus: No not in that way…

Frog: Ah, now you got me so excited!

Magus: [To himself] This will be something funny to tell all of my evil friends next time I start a war with Frog and Guardia castle!

Magus: Well, that’s all today… so long everybody!

Frog: Wait, but I didn’t even get to explain my problem!

Magus: Trust me Frog, you have too many to tell!

Frog: I’ll kill YOU!!

[Frog jumps at Magus]

Magus: Don’t even touch me with that sword!

[Magus shoots fireball at Frog, Frog flies out of building]


~Next on called the “Magus I-don’t-know-my-last-name-but-maybe-I-don’t-have-one show!”

What King Guardia and his knights really do behind closed doors!