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Dongwar concession is almost 16 square kilometres in extent and is situated about 15 kilometres downstrike of Mereto. It is underlain by acid to intermediate tuffs (now poorly developed schists) and graphitic metapelites (phyllites and slates). It appears that earlier regional foliation is overprinted by later shear zones, which appear to be hundreds of metres wide.

Sulphide-bearing felsite dykes swarm through the area, indicating zones of dilation through which they could penetrate from nearby or underlying granite plutons. There are a number of anastomising shear zones in several generations. The dykes within the shear zones frequently contain between 0.1 and 0.4 g/t gold.

During November 2000 a stream sediment survey resulted in the discovery of intensive gold panning sites along the stream beds, and strong gold geochemical anomalies of proximal origin. One of the provence areas (DA) was followed up by soil surveying at 1:10000 in November 2001. Results from the latter survey indicate two parallel gold in soil anomaly trends situated about one kilometre apart and striking for over 2 km, opening to the north; several primary gold digging sites have been found along this trend. For results see Dongwar provisional geochemistry. In April 2003 another provenance area (DB) was followed up by regional soil sampling. An alteration zone has been identified, about 400 metres wide, associated with felsite dykes and trending NNE. Soil samples are awaiting analysis to confirm the trend.

Probable continuity of a regional gold mineral system is now indicated over a strike of 15 kilometres and primary gold sites have now been discovered in eight localities within the Dongwar concession area. Therefore this concession area looks set to be a promising gold prospect.

above: gold grains recovered by panning in one of the company's licence areas (x 20 natural size)

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