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aniusflag3.gif (33183 bytes)    OnTrk1b.jpg (6276 bytes)    umplogo.gif (5821 bytes)

Richmond, KY. 2001

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To Close this Window Click on x, Right Top Corner.

The Action Track, Richmond, KY., 4-14,21-01.

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Win #1 and 2 with the traveling crew.

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Todd, Rick and Jamie discussing possible chassis changes prior to Feature Race.

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Finishing Third in the Heat, Todd said to change it and he'd go to the front, if he could?

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Win1A.jpg (3694 bytes)       Win1C.jpg (27057 bytes)

He could, and did !

Win #1 of 2001 and #16 of Todd's career.

Added Photo's from The Action Track.

Pulling in on a beautiful Kentucky afternoon.

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Tech. inspection and weigh in (above).

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On Trak Action

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and in the pits .....

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  End of Page, but not the Wins !  "Get back Loretta !"