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The #19 Kart is a LTO Chassis with a 5 h.p. Extra Powered Engine, and Dad said, "he likes to burn his tires!"
Began season in the Purple Class at Thunder Valley, Salem, IN advancing up to the Gold Class after winning two straight in his initial Purple Class events.
Primary track is Thunder Valley Raceway with plans to compete at Twin Cities, Vernon, IN. and Columbus Fairgrounds, Columbus, IN. sometime in 2001.
Crew Members are Danny Ogle, Troy Gilpin, Kenny and Ryan Turner, Adam and Morgan.
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added 5-19-01
Special Thanks to GrandMa and GrandPa Gilpin, GrandMa and GrandPa Fleetwood, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, and Friends. And to Mason and Tawanya Fleetwood and Kenny and Ryan Turner for all your help and being with me on race day.
Current Standing ... as of 29 April 2001.
Currently Devin is leading the points standings at Thunder Valley Raceway with two Feature wins in the Purple Class and a third place Feature finish in the Gold Class. 2001 Results: 2 Purple Wins / 3rd Place Gold
Next Racing Event Thunder Valley Raceway, Salem, Indiana.
Previous Results ... 5-13-'01 Scare for Mom on Mothers Day.
Devin was getting a little practice on the track when running hard and coming out of turn three he got up high and into the loose stuff, slid up and hit the wall with the right rear. This caused the kart to barrel roll over 4 times before finally hitting the ground hard up side down where it came to rest.
Dad was one of the first to reach Devin, who was hung up inside the cart, turned off the motor and extricated Devin. Bruised and banged, but not seriously injured in this accident Devin proved to be a tough young driver showing more concern for his Kart then himself.
Fortunately, the kart is not in too bad shape. It broke the frame at the spindles, the axle is bent, bent wheel, broken body with the seat and steering wheel on crooked. Todd thinks he can repair the thing but it may take a few weeks.
Mom and Dad said they will take the next couple weeks off anyway, to allow Devin to recover. This was the most Devin has been shaken in his Kart but, by that evening Devin was out playing Basketball and the next day was just stiff and sore.
Devin said, "Don't worry I'll be back soon and ready to burn some butt !"
Grandpa talks to Devin while Dad works on.
Karting allows Todd and Devin time together.
Uncle Troy, we'll get a better picture.