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Name Cro
Height 6'7"
Weight 290 lbs.
Hometown Charleston, South Carolina
Manager None
Alignment Heel
.:Wrestling Style:.
Hardcore, Brawler

.:Entrance Music:.
“Break Stuff” by Limp Bizkit

The lights then go out as the sounds of crows squaking are heard. “Break Stuff” by Limp Bizkit comes over the pa system as Cro comes through the curtain standing in the middle of the entrance way. Cro looks at the crowd for a moment then heads on towards the ring.. He slides inside the ring and waits for the match to start.
1. Ankle lock
2. Bulldog
3. Cobra clutch
4. Crossface chickenwing
5. Diving knee drop bulldog
6. Drop toe-hold onto a chair
7. Knee lift
8. Sleeper Hold
9. Super Kick
.:Setup Move(s):.
1. Snap DDT

The Suffering: (Modified STF)