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A Cross of Dr. Seuss and Misty

Vanyel: Oh how I do love riding here,
The road to Hardorn's nice and clear.
But what is this? Look, look a group!
A bunch of farmers, oh what a troupe!

Farmer: Oh Herald, we flee Hardorn fast
With Nedren our lives will not last.
King Festil does not know or care
And so we flee. Herald! Beware!
Lord Nedren comes, he comes today!

Vanyel: I will ride up to bar the way.
Now look here, Nedren, it's quite tragic
Using farmers for blood magic.
Now, let them go. I'll let you be.
It's bad enough they had to flee.

Nedren: Come now, Herald, just name your price.
I'll give you treasure--it's very nice.
Or slaves, or power; even land,
Just leave us, leave us! Leave our band!

Vanyel: Treasure? Bah! I want it not
And slaves and power's not that hot.

I am a mage, and so I say,
Go away, Nedren! Go away!

Nedren: If you will not now get out,
My wizard, he will make you pout.
Hey, wizard? Wizard! Help my plight!
Remove this Herald from my sight.

Wizard: Oh Herald you have erred the last
Because my demons need repast.
And so I summon them, right now,
They'll get you good! Real good and how!

Demon 1: Booga!

Demon 2: Booga!

Demons: We are here!
Cringe now Herald, cringe in fear!

Vanyel: The Demons do not bug me yet--
The wizard's one who must now fret.
I'll get him good, I'll leave him screamin'
And then, and then, I'll get his demons.
Now, where's that lightning? Come, you, come!
A zip a zap, and all is done.

Nedren: Now relax, Vanyel, I did kid.
He acted wrongly, Wizard did!
I was joking, can't you see?
Leave me be, Van! Leave me be!

Vanyel: Kidding? Please. You meant to kill.
And demons have stomachs to fill.
Now demons they will turn on you:
Go now demons! Shoo, shoo, shoo!

Demons: Oh look! Lord Nedren! What a lunch!
We shall crunch and munch and munch.
His soldiers too! Oh, what a meal!

Nedren could now only squeal.

Vanyel: And so farmer, the deed is done.
Nedren is gone! Your lives are won.

Farmer: Thank you, thank you! You're the best!
Of this we never would have guessed:
That you would help us in our fear
But lucky, lucky we came here.

Vanyel: DO not forget--I helped you well.
I zapped the wiz with magic spell.
You needed help; I did not fall.
Now I must go! Remember all!