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Top 10 Ways You can tell you Read too Much Misty

1. You sit around wondering how well Vanyel can do against other fantasy sorcerers.

YOU: "Now, Vanyel against Belgarath..."
NORMAL MISTY FAN: "What are you talking about?"

2. You look for a way to tie all of Misty's books together.

YOU: "So, if we look at the way Diana Tregarde, and we look at the way she does magic, it's the same as when Vanyel..."

3. You bought a white horse of your very own.

YOU: "And this is my Companion, Bella."

4. Your credit card bill at Firebird Arts & Music is more than your tuition; you have a standing order there for every new Misty work that comes out; and they know you there by name.

YOU: "Hello, Firebird?"

TELEPHONE: "Oh! Hi Jake! How are you? Your $200 order is coming in the mail soon, and we've placed a pre-order for the third book in the Vows and Honor trilogy for you."

5. You slavered over the thought that there might be a third book in the Vows and Honor series. (There isn't)

INTERNET RUMOR PERSON: "So, the third book is called 'Oathblinded.'"
YOU: "Really? Really? Really?"

6. Your friends never let you bringm usic to parties because you only bring filk, and you always insist that they play all of Shadow Stalker.

YOU: "Man, Heather Alexander's voice is like gold!"
YOU NORMAL FRIEND: "Who in the world is Heather Alexander?"

7. Not only that, but you liked "Herald's Creed."

YOU: "I mean, it's so majestic."
NORMAL MISTY FAN: "Oh, please."

8. You are fluent in Shin'a'in, Tayledras, and Kaled'a'in tongues, and use these words in daily conversation.

YOU: "Heyla, Boss!"
YOUR BOSS: "Heyla? What are you talking about?"

9. You go beserk over the correct pronunciation of Vanyel's name.

YOU: "VAHN-yel? No! It's van-YEL!"

10. You sit around writing lists like this one.