About Me

Chris, Myself, Lowell, Erik

Thanks again for coming to visit my webpage. Anyway, I'm KenJura a.k.a. DigitalG (short for Digital-Ghost, my other Screen name). My actual name is Rob. I'm 18. I live in Lincolnton (L-Town) North Carolina WHERE THERE IS NOTHING TO DO. I drive a Mitsubishi 3000GT (God I love my car) my favorite sport is tennis. I’m a Lifeguard pretty much full time, I’m a Lifeguard and Pool Manager at West Port Country Club in the summer then I lifeguard and teach Swim lessons at the YMCA in Lincolnton. I'm a smart-ass and tend to be pretty sarcastic. I love music.... with a passion. All kinds accept for country I can’t stand fucking inbreed country music (I think my boss likes country music...oh well). Rage against the Machine and Everlast is probably close to the top of my list. I also like DMX, Korn, Eminem, Eve6, Project Pat, Lit, and stuff like that. Techno/trance music is cool too, but when you go to Clubs you have to like it.

I also like Computer games. Mostly because there so much fun to play on the Internet against other people (and get your ass kicked, God those people have no lives). Quake 2. Quake 3. Unreal Tournament. Rainbow 6, are pretty cool. I’m in a Quake 2 clan called Lords of Chaos. Find me on Zone.com sometime my Username is "LOC_KenJura"

Although what I love to do the most is to just be out on the lake. Mainly to ride my Wave-Runner, God damn those things are fun as hell. I enjoy Knee boarding, Wake boarding, and skiing behind the boat, I’m no ESPN world champion, but I can get up and stay on which is fine for me so all you show off’s…. Fuck off.


click on a photo to see it enlarged

hard at work
hard at work
on the boat
shooting pool
In the Studio
My 3000GT
my 3000GT
95' 3000GT
95' 3000GT
Graduation, Heather
Graduation, Heather
Graduation, Beth
Graduation, Beth
playing tennis
playing tennis
go away
go away!
school photo
school photo

KenJura's Top 10

  • Favorate baseball team: New York Yankees
  • Favorate College basketball team: Carolina Tarheels
  • Favorate web site: heat.net, ign.com, kenjura.com
  • Favorate food: chicken, lobster, sushi
  • Favorate Sports: Tennis, baseball, basketball
  • Favorate TV shows: Jackass, Dragon Ball Z, Simpsons.
  • Favorate movie: Fight Club, MatriX, Blow.
  • Favorate Games: Xenogears, Unreal Tournament
  • Favorate Song: Currently Smooth Criminal remix by Alien Ant Farm
  • Favorate band: Everlast

My Identity

Many people have often asked me where in the hell did I come up with the screen name KenJura. Well back in the day when I was 14 or 15 I was fascinated with computers and I could do a lot of stuff with them. My Screen Name was "HoSTiLE13" (hostile) most frequently my favorite thing to do was to get on AOL chat and make fun of the person with the gayest screen name. That was fun for about a year… until I was kicked off AOL. And they sent a letter of disconnection to my house… (Dad wasn't very happy). But then I got a girlfriend, suddenly I didn't give a damn about computers anymore, After when I discovered AIM I decided to get it and had to come up with a screen name. I wanted to stick to hostile17 and a didn't so I just looked up Japanese words on the internet found hostile and It was kenjura, to me that sounded cool, so iv stuck with it since.

"The Internet is your corridor to the future,
A web page is your messenger to the world"