U   r b a n W h o r e
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U r b a n .  W h o r e  
Welcome to Urban-Whore.
   03.11.2000 it was 01:55am
Urban Whore is a UK based computer security/programing group. We are interested in all aspects of computers and have learnt how to work well with many of them. We are fighting for one thing and one thing only, free internet access, hehehe. Nah we are just out here to right the wrongs of many, many admins and home users alike and hope that many apretiate what we do. The group has erm, a few members, trinix, Sultrix Deltrex and soon to be a few others from the UK scene. We will be making alot of appearences in the near future so keep a look out for us, Urban Whore :c)

t r i n i x- Heh, wassup. Basically i want to do everything i can to do with computers, and i hope that soon i accoplish that. I am a freeBSD freak, and although i have only switch from linux mdk to freeBSD i love it. I am in the is *group* because i like to feel like I belong to something :c) peace. You can find me at uk.undernet.org on #2600uk or #hackuk, and you can email me at trinix@www.com

s u l r i x- programming (c/PHP/perl/ learning asm (x86), computer security, unix/linux, Windows (NT, 9x), and i enjoy looking for holes in programming code, and writing exploits. Well thats about it really, if you would like to get in touch with me you can drop onto irc server irc.pulltheplug.com #wargames and #linhelp or you can reach me Mike11785_cool@yahoo.com Thanks
U r b a n W h o r e  
name:    UrbanWhore
where:    United Kingdom
skills:    Computer Security, programming, stuff bleh
plans:    ermmmmmmm, not really
quote:    "You wanna justify, we'll rip your fucking head off"

l i n k s .  
Sultrix - A real helpful unix/Linux site

trinix - trinix's site, perfect for the newbies

Urban Whore at you services - Comprimisation