Super Sayian Levels

Super Sayian

This is the is first stage of the legendary Super Sayian. Goku was the first to reach super sayian in the Frieza stage. When you reach this level you gain extroardinary power. Thier hair turns blond and thier eyes turn turquoise and thier hair stands sraight up.

Super Sayian 2

This is when you reach and even higher level of super sayian. You can maintain this level for a much long time. First reached by Gohan in the Cell Games. Their hair and eyes stay the same but the hair grows longer and higher up. The way to tell the diffrents between SS and SS2 is becouse you can see more stripes of hair.

Super Sayian 3

This level you gain Extreme power but weakness is your slow. You cant maintian this level for long. Also your eye brows disapper. First Achieved by Goku. Your hair stays the same and eyes but your hair grows extremely long.

Super Sayian 4

This is the ultimate form of super sayian. Thier hair grows really long but go's back up. All states are at thier max. You can stay in this form forever. First Achieved by Goku. Hair turns back to black, tail grows back and they are coverd in red hair.