-=Description: Asgard City Gold Guild is made up by four major money makers: Dalvatain Magick Tower, Karsadia Warriors Training Academy, Queen's Cafe, and Wanderer Found Tavern. Majority are found on Main Street or are in some way attached to it.
Dalvatain Magick Tower is found southwest of the Asgard Castle looking over the Sea of Endless Journies at the edge of Dalvatain Ave and described as a cylinder tower with almost as tall as the Asgard Castle. It is colored in black and striped with multicolors for trim. It is highly warded and you can not get in without paying a toll of 2 gold pieces. In this tower you will find the most formidable magick users of the Asgard Territories. Who if not here are now working as professors/guest speakers at the School. In the basement you can also find the most widely used Magick Guild Arena where there can be just about any magick on Karsadia found there or able to be made there. There is a Vast Library throughout the Dalvatain Tower cataloged in sections of keywords and warded so the spells don't go out but can be researched. In order to copy any knowledge you need one to pay the toll and two to have a book or spell that is worth the effort for the school. Here there is just about any spell in the area except there is a limitation on Necromacy and Chaos spells. There even is a history on the major cities of Karsadia here to research and the vast history of Asgard City. There are some dwarven runes here but not many. However the rest of the runes are catologed here along with information about symbols and creatures as well as components.
Karsadia Warriors Training Academy=Attached to the Dalvatain Tower just north of it, this is the a training academy for warriors from all over and of all types ranging for knights and squires, rangers, ninjas and the guards and more. The Arena for sparring is also here.
The Hideaway Cafe= The Hideaway Cafe also looking over the Sea of Endless journies located yards from the shipyards and docks on Main Street is Owned by the Queen. With this Cafe all the profits after expenses go to the City where she in turn uses it to help others throughout the city and for the betterment of the city. This is to help keep the taxes down. Originally it started out as a pastry place ran by Lady Pink who has since left us. Now it has expanded into a bigger and better place with a large menu and great atmousphere. Most of the waitresses/waiters/cooks started with humble beginnings in the orphanage or in the shelters and are given a chance to better themselves.
Wanderer's Found Tavern= Gone through many owners however each at one time was a Wanderer or a Guest to Karsadia as they were not born in Karsadia. Near the docks in the Merchant area southwest and on Main Street. At the Wanderer's Found Tavern ran by Darren Hakan there is entertainment of variety, bard ameteur contest night, wrestling arena, private lounges for those who wish to be more discret. There is also a board whereby you can post a message for all of Asgard to see. For when you wish a questing party or someone to help you out and you will pay them good money. There are a few rooms for the night located in Princess Hideway Inn. It caters more to the Royals and Nobels then Thentrax counter part The Dragon's Eye Tavern which is ran by Grace and Berit.
-=This room is a Vision/ADND/DND based room. Please look up Asgard City for more information to where this Guild is from.=-
-=To contact the Realm Co-ordinator (Rlm Coord), Anastacia=-
MSN anastataciademanjrick@hotmail.com
Yahoo karsadiacoordinator
-=To contact the Assistant Room Controller (ARC), Darren Hakan=-
MSN blade1982@hotmail.com
Yahoo drollins40206
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