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Asgard Castle

As you near the city walls a great commotion springs up from the gate as it slowly begins to open. Inside the gate stands a small squad of four guards. Dressed in the shining chain armor most popular for its light weight and protective capabilities. Dressed in the scarlet tunic of the city guard one stands out as he wears the mark of the Watch Captain speaks. "Who goes there?"

After hearing you identify yourself He speaks again "Welcome to the City of Asgard. Home of Queen Anastacia and King Fredrik De Manjrick and advised by the Regent Bjorn and Royal Advisory Council. Enter in peace and be welcome. Carry your weapons peacebonded for this city is a rough and dangerous place. Be ye warned that troublemakers will not be tolerated, and shall be dealt with accordingly. Enjoy what we have to offer for all are welcome within. I do most strongly suggest that ye study the scrolls within and learn about us before ye enter."

If you choose to go to the castle, as you walk up at the castle gates, which have glyphs etched in that ward against evil intent masked or otherwise which takes significant damage when entering. And also take note that the main hall and a certain other rooms that do the same as the glyphs at the gates to evil. Guards expect all weapons peacebonded or they don't allow you through.

Asgard City Gold Guild

The gold guild has for major contributors:  The Hideaway Cafe and Inn, Dalvatain Tower, and Wanderer Found Tavern .  They can all be found on Main Street and if you go to the subroom you will find them in detail.  Here is the website for the Main Street Asgard City Gold Guild Headed by Darren Hakan Asgard City Gold Guild

Asgard Heirarchy

Queen- Anastacia De Manjrick
King- Fredrik De Manjrick
Commanding General- Arwen
Regent/Hammer- Bjorn
Knight Chamberlain- Sir Joshua Kryten
Royal Healer -Eowyn (Asst. is Secret)
Ambassador- Secret
Royal Priestess-Constitine Kryten
Centurian of the Guards- Callisto Storm

Royal Advisors/Proxy- Legolas

Roleplay Storylines

Role-play Ideas Application

Powers used that do not exist on the characters list will be ignored as having not happened. Actions of non approved characters cannot do include but are not limited to

1. Changing major story lines.
2. Killing registered member.
Disrupting the local population at large in any way. Causing large scale havoc, blowing things up, and committing crimes all fall under this category too.
There are NO dragon (dragoons allowed), god (godlings if appoved.. only 5 gods on karsadia have forms and they are all now npcs played only by the Mistress and Master of the Vision except for the goddess Ana which is only played in Drimnagh), demon attacks, no allowed rapes, kidnapping, premariatal births (that don't mean pregnancies just births),suicides, miscarriages, assassination role-play at this time. NO evil pc chars for longer than a month or else they become npcs and become killable.

Rules of Asgard

    Rules of Asgardian Territories

    • 1. No cybering in Public and no private parts showing. Please use tasteful avatars. No nudity. No butts, breasts, personals showing. Wear as midevil as possible. However if you fight and you are wearing a bikini you don't have armor.  Keep it PG 13. All AVs be limited to 350 height 500 pixels in width, and under 50k. Discretion is needed. In addition, Fonts - Limit font size to no less that size 4 and no more than size 6,according to readable font style. Keep font colors away from those that blend into the back grounds.The exception being if someone is going a place in disguise they may have real name in black text but the fake name has to be in a good easily read color.
      • 2. No harassing others.  You can be booted
      • 3. Public disturbances will not be tolerated! Here you may end up on ignore and banned from the home.
      • 4. Each member, honorary member, and frequent visitors need to have completed a Bio of themselves.
      • 5. We ask for 3 visits to learn how to play before becoming a full member. You will be on probationary member status until the third visit and your bio is approved by the King and Queen. This rule is subject to royal descret.
      • 6. NPC Servants here, are servants by choice. They deserve the same respect given to anyone else. Make your request within reason. This is not Gor.
      • 7. You may PM without permission however if you break the rules and the reciepent wishes to put it in public for example, you try to rape them or harrass them in private and they don't wish this . They put your post in public you will be liable for that action. So watch your p's and q's Please.. Please keep all R/T information in PMs or messenger programs. 
      • 8. NPCs (Non player characters) maybe be killed at anytime. 
      • 9. Power/Rank does occur. The King or Queen may give you the title or it may be voted on if you have been around long enough and been actively participating.
      • 10. Queen will rule with absolute judgement in all matters. However her judgement is tempered with wisdom so she frequently seeks advice from the King and her most trusted heirarchy and friends. The King and Queen appoint new or replacement council member and offices if there is a council. However, only the Queen may dismiss the tribunal or tribunal member at any time at her judgement.
      • 11. Choose a Class and role-play it.
      • 12. Only upto  three player characters at a time in Asgard/MC as this their home. This is to the player's discretion (sp). Only three player. They each must be distinctfully different. If you are going to have 2-3 characters your highest titled character(s) should be in more than the others or you can risk losing your title. We recommend 3 days a week for good showing. If you don't have enough time to devote in one or two then don't feel pressured in doing so. It is better to have one good character than several undeveloped characters. You may have others in other homes as long as it does not conflict with Asgard.
      • 13. Try to keep roleplaying going and keep it real or reallike.. We aren't just for chat but also for fun in roleplaying. Keep r/t in private or on ICQ/MSN or email unless we are in a meeting then keep it to the point at hand.
      • 14. Visitors may spar for fun if they follow the rules for sparring.
      • 15. After you have been accepted into Asgard/MC. You will be asked to take an oath to the Royal family to uphold the rules and loyalty to her protecting the Territories from outsiders that wish to hurt our Great Home and Its Royal Family. To help it flurish.
      • 16. Visitors wishing to observe are asked to wear a ~o~ to help with confusion. It is everyone's responsibility to help answer questions or direct them to the website and/or Heirarchy or King and/or Queen.
      •  If you come in with anon tags you are given one warning .. you may ask in pm to the RC (ask first in open if you may pm) if you can stay that way or just be nice and take a name .. or you will be booted.
      • 17. This is a No Kill/No Force Feeding without consent/No Slavery Zone except in two exceptions: The King or Queen deems someone a criminal and is to be arrested or hunted and killed. Or it is approved in a major rp and is only temperary.  No kidnappings allowed out of the Karsadia. Deathspars must be watched over bythe King and Queen and Tribune.
      • 18. When going into another's home please be on your best behavior. Don't actively seek members on their ground. If people like us they will come and see us and perhaps join. However, when in our own home it is a responsiblity to all to actively seek members. Our members should be on look out for trolling and report it to room controller. We will not troll in their homes and they are not to troll in ours.
      • 19. All members are expected to be in the home a minumum of 3 hours per week. It may be broken up into spurts of 15-30 mins. With a exception, if r/t is barring you from this from just an bit of a change to a leave and still be a member, just tell a Tribunal, the King, and/or the Queen and this can be waved AS RT is always first.
      • 20. Even if there is none in the the room please show up to get a count in the room and to be there for possible new members. I suggest that if there no people in the room that you could multi-task but keep an eye on the room.
      • 21. The application form for major rp must be accepted by the Queen and if so .. it may be played out even without the King or Queen present however a Hierachy should be there
      • 22. In order to have fun in this type of room one must be prepared to make their own fun but not at each other's expense unless they are willing. To role-play your character as it is. To use your class and what it is about. .. Worry about your own char if you have problems talk to the King or Queen or Hammer. Treat others as you wish to be treated
      • 23. You don't have to have the Queen or King be there to have role-play. You can have several roleplaying scenes in the room at one time just make sure all know where you are so they don't get confused and start talking as if they are several different places. If you are in the woods you can't talk in the castle. Only mind can work however do greet with (( )) to any that come in.
      • 24. When greeting a non member that is not on the honorary list greet as follows: ~a City and Castle guard at the gate stands in front of you in chain mail to check you out, greeting you asking for your name of your intentions in the city~ Greetings if your intentions are peaceful. If they don't respond in 5 minutes: ~the City and Castle guards at the gates surround you asking again for your name and intentions in the city~ Greetings if your intentions are peaceful IF they respond as they are peaceful: ~A Castle guard announces your presence into the main hall and to the Royal family~ Greetings and Welcome to Asgard City If they respond in hostility then they may be escorted out of the gates or may find the end of a sword. It is assumed that the King and Queen have 6 guards to a minimum around them at all times.
      • 25. Honorary members should consider turning in a brief bio about themselves to help others better understand who they are and such. Especially if you wish to use magick other than the Vision or DND/ADND.
      • 26. Realize that if you are a magic user you do not have unlimited power, it will run out and play fair just as a warrior will get tired a mage will run low on power. The rules of sparring and magic are by the vision any other playing systems need to be adapted accordingly. Magic Items need the approval of the council.
      • 29. NO one may teleport directly to the throne room Except the King and Queen. And only members may teleport just outside the main hall.
      • 30. There is no acknowledge as player characters Dragons, saiyans, gods, and (Mages of the White Wolf setting.)Should you come in as one we will consider dragons only dragonkin, gods as immortals but not assended. No special characters without approval of the King and Queen. No player characters are allowed membership with a dishonorable profession like assassin or theif. You may have started in that life but in Asgard you become better for the change. Vampires and undead are highly frowned upon and will have a pc attack them for just being that.  Tho Vampires are not completely banned.  We suggest strongly unless you are not evil if you are a vampire to stay out unless you wish to be killed. NPCs tend to be anything and sometimes don't follow the rules these type must be approved first. NPC's can be anything but PCs CANNOT be what is above. THERE ARE NO EVIL PCs.  You can be neutral but not evil ( you can be evil for only a short time).
      • 31. Magick  allowed is Vision and DND/ADND. Unless approved  ahead of time.  As we are using this site for the testing grounds for a new gamesystem. Please be patient as we make changes. In a spar one must declare before making an opening post that they are using magick and what type.
      • 32. No one post Death Magick is allowed.
      • 33. Non-members may not use anything higher than a moderate and don't carry magickal items higher than a moderate without approval of the King and Queen.  Only magick allowed outside membership that may be higher is healing.  Powers are defined as magick and any supernatural [magick, arcane, divine, chi (ki), innate, items, etc.] ability that is beyond the scope of your average Earth human is counted.
      • 34. When walking into the main hall weapons should be peacebonded or left at the gates if they be non-members. If they be members they may keep their weapons for the protection of the Royal Family and home.
      • 35. Any Malicious gossip is not acceptable. If you are found spreading malicious gossip you may be subjected to a vote of banning your character. 3 characters banned and the person gets banned. This is r/t gossip. Vt malicious gossip is subject to the Hammer's investigation and judgement.
      • 36.  Powers used that do not exist on the characters list will be ignored as having not happened. Actions of non approved characters cannot do include but are not limited to
      • 1. Changing major story lines.
      • 2. Killing registered member.  Disrupting the local population at large in any way. Causing large scale havoc, blowing things up, and committing crimes all fall under this category too.  There are NO dragon (dragoons allowed), god (godlings if appoved.. only 4 gods on karsadia have forms and they are all now npcs played only by the Mistress and Master of the Vision), demon attacks, no allowed rapes, kidnapping, premariatal births (that don't mean pregnancies just births),suicides, miscarriages, assassination role-play at this time.  NO EVIL PCs.
      • 37. Most important after following the magic rules, sparring rules and other rules is to have fun and roleplay.

    If you are seeking membership then please sign up on this Applicant

    Anastacia De Manjrick's MSN is
    Anastacia De Manjrick's Email/Yahoo-

    Email @ for FAQ/Site Building