Here is the INFO on the charaters.Injoy. Heero Yuy | Duo Maxwell | Trowa Barton | Quatre Winner | Wufie Chang Relena Peacecraft | Zechs Merquise | Lucrezia Noin | Treize Khushrenada | Lady Une | Sally Po Organization
/ Gundam Pilot The stern pilot of the Shenlong Gundam is the proud offspring of a legendary warrior clan, who were exiled from China to a decrepit space colony by a fearful government. Wufei adheres to a strict code of honor and justice, seeking to protect the weak and punish the guilty. But his pride is something of a weak point - when pushed too far, Wufei's huge ego has a tendency to break. Unlike the other Gundam pilots, even the relatively antisocial Heero and Trowa, Wufei prefers to operate alone and frequently seems to have a better idea what's going on than his blundering fellows. His only companion is his Gundam, which he calls "Nataku" after the Chinese mythological hero.