A look at some of the statistical miracles in the Quran. Of which 
are only a very small fraction of what this holy book contains to 
the whole mankind. 

Study conducted by Dr. Tariq Al-Suwaidan. A Well known scholar from 
the Muslim Brotherhood, Ikhwan Al-muslimoon. 

Word           Meaning             Mentioned in the Quran 
Al-Dunya       This world          115 
Al-Akhira      The hereafter       115 

Word           Meaning             Mentioned in the Quran 
Al-Mala'ikah   Angles              88 
Al-Shayateen   Satan               88 

Word           Meaning             Mentioned in the Quran 
Al-Hayat       Life                145 
Al-Maout       Death               145 

Word           Meaning             Mentioned in the Quran 
Al-Rajul       Man                 24 
Al-Mar'ha      Women               24 

Word           Meaning             Mentioned in the Quran 
Al-Shahr       Month               12 

Word           Meaning             Mentioned in the Quran 
Al-Yahom       Day                 365 

Word           Meaning             Mentioned in the Quran 
Al-bahar       Sea                 32 
Al-bar         Land                13 

If we add up the total words of both "sea" and "land" we get 45. Now if we 
do a simple calculation: 

32/45 X 100%  =  71.11111111% 
13/45 X 100% = 28.88888888% 
Above is what we know today, the percentages of Water (Sea) and Land in the 

Yet another miracle in the Quran. 

The Miracles of the Quran will never end. There will never be a time 
where mankind can fully take in the knowledge that is in this holy book. It is a 
miracle to all mankind, the word of God (Allah S.W.T.). T
There is no value that one can set to the words of the creator. 
It is a treasure of which guides those that want to succeed in this 
life and the hereafter. 

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