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  Frequently Asked Questions




When was Lions Clubs International founded?

June 7, 1917 in Chicago, Illinois, USA

Who was the founder of Lions Clubs International?

Melvin Jones (1879-1961)

What are the Objects and Ethics of Lions Clubs International?

Click here to view the association's Objects and Ethics.

What is the emblem of Lions Clubs International?

The emblem consists of a gold letter "L" on a circular purple field. Bordering this is a circular gold area with two lion profiles facing away from the center. The word "Lion" and "International" appear at the top and bottom. The Lions are meant to face both a proud past and confident future.

What is the motto of Lions Clubs International?

The association's motto, "We Serve," precisely explains its mission.

What is the slogan of Lions Clubs International?

"Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation's Safety" (LIONS) is the slogan.

What are the colors of Lions Clubs International?

The official colors are purple and gold -- purple for loyalty and integrity; gold for sincerity, liberality, purity, and generosity.

What is the address of Lions Clubs International Headquarters?

Lions Clubs International

300 W. 22nd Street,

Oak Brook, Illinois 60523-8842, USA

What is the phone number of Lions Clubs International Headquarters?

(630) 571-5466

What is the fax number of Lions Clubs International Headquarters?

(630) 571-8890

What are the official membership figures?

As of April 30, 2000, there were 1,436,764 Lions in 44,762 clubs in 185 countries and areas.

What are the official requirements for membership?

Membership is open to men and women of legal majority and good reputation in the community, and is by invitation only. Those interested should contact their local Lions club. If they cannot easily locate a Lions club, they can request the ME-26 brochure from the Membership Operations Department at Lions International Headquarters at (630)571-5466, ext. 322. The ME-26 brochure, once filled out and returned to International Headquarters, will help put them in touch with a local Lions club.

What magazine does Lions Clubs International publish?

31 official editions of THE LION Magazine are published in 20 languages.

What are the official languages of Lions Clubs International?

Lions Clubs International conducts its official business in the following 11 languages: English, Chinese, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.