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The 4 Universal Truths Of Krynn

1. Good Redeems its Own: Also known as the Law of Paladine (God of Good)
This statement reflects the approach of all the gods of Good in thier efforts to advance truth and knowledge in the universe at large. Good seeks to forward its goals and aims by redeeming and recalling the lost members of its flock and bring about the advancement of the universe by compassion and justice.

2. Evil Feeds Upon Itself: Also known as the Law of the Dark Queen Takhisis (Goddess of Evil)
This reflects evil's belief in natural selection through the elimination of weaker beings.

3. Both Good and Evil Must Exist in Contrast: Also known as the Law of Gilean (God of Neutrality)
This is the primary position of the Neutral gods who see the diversity of both view points as balancing one another on a universal scale. Should either side dominate, Neutrals maintain, then the universe would be either all light or all dark without any contrasts to bring focus or purpose.

4. The Law of Consequence: Given by the High God himself to rule over all other laws.
For every law and rule that is obeyed there is a reward and blessing; for every law transgressed there is a punishment. Blessings and punishments may not come about immediately, but they occur eventually.