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Physical Geography (Paper250/1)
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Paper250/3 May 2000
Paper250/1 May 2000
Emergency paper May 2000

1. Set a question and send it to the compiler on E-mail:  Contribute. Don't just consume.

2.( a) Describe the conditions under which temperature inversions occurs.
  (b) Examine the weather conditions associated with temperature inversions and its effects.

3. Describe the characteristics of  ocean currents and with reference to specific examples, assess their effect on the climate  and economic activities of the  African    coastal lands.

4. Describe and account for the climatic zonation of weathering  types.

5. Discuss the view that the distribution of vegetation in East Africa is dependent on climatic factors.

6. Examine the validity of the theories that have been put forward to explain the formation  of the  great East African  Rift Valley.

7 (a) Distinguish between soil profile and soil catena.
  (b) To what extent is climate responsible for the development of soil in East Africa?

8. Discuss the main causes and effects of soil erosion in East Africa using specific examples.

9. Examine the processes of soil erosion and soil formation.

10. Compare and contrast the processes of soil formation in the arid and humid regions of East Africa

11  (a) Examine the influence of volcanicity in the development of land forms in East Africa.
      (b) Assess the economic significance of Vulcanicity in East Africa.

12. To what extent can the theories of sealer spreading and plate tectonism explain the formation of the major structural land relief features of East Africa.

13. Justify the occurrence of continental drift.

14. (a) “Desertification is a result of poor land use practices by man” Critically examine the validity of the statement with references to the countries in the Sahel region.

       (b) Discuss  the attempts put in place to check desertification in this region.

15. Discuss the processes leading to the formation of Peri-glacial features.

16. (a) With reference to examples from East Africa, examine the features resulting from glacial deposition.
      (b) Discuss the significance of glaciation to East Africa

17.  Account for the limited occurrence of glaciation in East Africa

18a. Define the term “ Mass Wasting”  and examine the different forms it takes in East Africa.
    b. Evaluate the measures  that have been undertaken  to control  landslides in East Africa.

19. To what extent  are the activities of man responsible for environmental deterioration    in North
  Eastern Uganda  ?

20. Discuss the factors that have led  to the arid conditions in the Sahara    Region .
      b) What the attempts put in place to check desertification in this region.

21. Account for the Climatic differences between NorthEastern Kenya  and the Northern shores of lake Victoria

22. Using  sketch maps of East Africa, mark and name:

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23. To what extent does the natural vegetation offer a basis for  land use planning

33. (a) Describe Peri-glacial processes.
    (b) With reference to examples explain the formation of glacial land forms.

34.     (a) Account for the formation of coral land forms on the coast of East Africa.

(b) Assess the economic significance of coral land forms in East Africa
35.  To what extent is the development of coastal features in East Africa a result of wave action?

36. To what extent are waves and tidal currents responsible for the evolution of the coastal features of     East Africa?

37. Explain the formation of feature resulting from wave deposition and discuss their importance to man?

38. To  what extent is it true to say the that resistance of a rock to weathering is determined by its hardness?

39. With specific examples, discribe and account for the development of the major drainage patterns common in East Africa.

40. (a) With reference to East Africa examine the extent to which rock structure has influenced              land form development.

(b) with the aid of diagrams, account for the formation of the major rock types in East Africa.

41. “Land use is a function of structure process and stage.” Discuss is statement  with reference to the evolution of the river profile from source to mouth.

Researched and compiled by
Prince Kalema –Golooba

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Geography of Uganda
Paper three
2 Hours 15 min
May 2000

Attempt only three (3) Questions in all, atlas one from each section
Question One is compulsory

1. For any field work you have conducted as either an i individual or a group,

a) State the topic and objectives of the study

b) Explain the methods used in collecting data

c) Draw a sketch map of the area studied and on it mark and name the:

i) Relief feature
ii) Land use types

d) Explain the skills developed during the study

2. Examine the proceses responsible for formation of glacial features on Mt Rwenzori

3. a) To what extent are the problems faced by pastoral nomads of their own making?
b) Outline the measures being taken by the government to alleviate the above       problems

4. To what extent is agriculture a backbone to industrial development in Uganda?

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Physical Geography
Paper one
3 Hours
May 2000
PAPER ONE (P250/1)

Attempt only four (4) Questions in all, atlas one from each section
Section A is compulsory

SECTION A : Map reading (Compulsory)

1. Study the map extract of Debeza Sheet 59/3 , series Y732  East Africa Uganda 1:50,000) and do the following.

a) Draw a sketch map of the area showing the major physical and human features

b) Deduce the climate of the area giving evidence to support your answer

c) In which hemisphere is the area found? Give evidence to support your answer

d) Describe the relief of the area

e) Explain the relationship between :

i) Relief and drainage
ii) Relief and settlement


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2. Using specific examples form east Africa, relate the nature of magma to the resultant features of volcanicity.

3. With reference  to specific examples explain the formation of features of glacial erosion in the mountainous areas of East Africa.

4. To what extent can the theory of plate tectonics explain the formation of the major structural and relief features of East Africa.

5. a ) What are sea level changes
b) Examine the effect of sea level changes on the coastline of east Africa.


6 a) Distinguish between the Soil profile and Soil catena
b) Examine  the factors that control the development of a Soil profile

7. To what extent is the distribution of vegetation in East Africa a result of man's activities?

8. Account for the climatic differences between Northern Kenya and the Lake Victoria region and explain how climate has affected human activities in the two areas.

9. Examine the processes of soil formation taking place in the humid parts of Africa and compare them with those operating in the arid zones

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Emergency paper
PAPER ONE (P250/1)
Attempt only four (4) questions in all.
Question one is compulsory
Time 3 Hours

Map reading. (Compulsory)

1. Study the map extract of Debeza, Sheet 59/III Series Y732. East Africa (Uganda) 1:50,000 and
do the following.

a) State the feature at Grid Reference 371714

b) Measure and state in kilometers the distance of the aa weather road form Debeza( GR. 370714)
to Lukonge (GR. 465675)

c) Infer the climate of the area, giving evidence to support your answer.

d) With evidence state the direction of flow of river Kisosonkole

e) Draw a sketch map of the area showing the major drainage, relief and vegetation features.
f) Explain the relationship between:

     (i) drainage and relief
     (ii) drainage and settlement.


2. "The distribution of continents today could not have been an accident" remarked an S.5 student.
Discuss the theories put forward to explain the present day distribution of continents.

3. "The evolution of landforms in East Africa has been a result of structure." Using the Davisian cycle
of land form evolution discuss the statement.

4. Account for the variation in  the rate and nature of weathering on the surface of the earth.

5. To what extent is the formation of soils in East Africa controlled by climate?


For comments contact Kalema Golooba

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