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Personal Data
Special skills and competencies
Papers presented, conferences and workshops attended
Tele-colaborative Projects currently undertaken
Career progression
Personal Data
Surname Kalema
Other Names Ayub Golooba
Nationality Ugandan
Linguistic Ability English, Luganda (Fluent)
Occupation Teacher, Mgt. consultant and Web site Designer.
Telephone Number +256-77-592826
Fax ...
Postal Address P.O.Box, 26225, Kampala- Uganda
KalemaGolooba Passport photo


Skills and Competencies
Papers presented, conferences and workshops attended

March 19th-23rd,2001: Attended a 5 day Sub-regional workshop on Telematics Applications for Education in Kampala organised by UNESCO and IICBA (Internationa Institute for Capacity Building in Africa)<>

Jan- Feb. 2001:  Together with World Bank Lead Facilitators, I co-facilitated a 2-month online World Education for Development (WED) Course for Teachers in Ghana and Uganda on "Integrating Sustainable Development and Technology in The Classroom" sponsored and organized by the Development Education Program and World Links for Development, both of the World Bank. The course also involved two 3-day face-to-face and Videoconference workshops. The Course was intended to develop skills and understanding of how to create, incorporate and facilitate innovative classroom practices that integrate networked technology and curricula.

Dec 11th-15th 2000:  Cofacilitated (With SchoolNet Technical Coordinator) a 5-day Technical Workshop for Ugandan Teachers at Kibuli Senior Secondary  School, focussing on Trouble Shooting, Management of Web Servers and Web Site Development.

8th –16th Dec 2000. Coordinated a Photography and Technology Documentation project for Applied Materials Inc (A Computer Company in the USA) with students of Mengo Senior School. The photogragy was done by Jamey Stillings Studio while the report was written by The Jacobs Fulton Design Group, both of USA.(Read the report at URL: )

Dec 6th-8th 2000:   Presented an Overview of the Conference them "Coping with Economic And Technological Change in the New Millennium" at the 7th Annual International management Conference organized by Makerere University Business School (MUBS), at Windsor lake victoria Hotel.

Dec 5th. 2000:    Attended a national symposium on Developing Uganda's Information Infrastructure Agenda project (DUIIAP) organized by makerere University institute of Computer Science (MUICS) with support rom infodev at Africana Hotel, Kampala.

Nov. 11th 2000: facilitated a half  day seminar on "The Role, Potentials and and Challenges of ICT in Education in Uganda", for Masters students of Educational management and  of education of Makerere University School of Education at Makerere College school, Kampala.

Nov 3rd-4th, 2000:     Conducted a two day  National "Electronic Content Creation Workshop" for Uganda teachers and students at NCDC, Kyambogo. the workshop focussed on web page design and management.

September 16th 2000:   Attended a one day training seminar at NCDC, Kyambogo on the "Management of tele-collaborative learning circles" under the Global teenager Project. This was organized by schoolNet uganda with support from International  Institute of Communication and Development (IICD)

August 24th 2000,  Moderated the Education sector  Focus Group Discussions in the  "Developing Uganda's Information Infrastructure Agenda Project (DUIIAP) workshop organized by The Institute of Computer Science, Makerere University and InfoDev.

August 8th- 28th, Conducted a Comprehensive Analysis of Nsambya Hospital Health care Plan (NHHP) for Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA) Uganda.

July 26th, 2000, Attended, a one day training seminar in Internet Instructional Strategies conducted by IDP (International Development Program) at Mengo Senior School.

July 10th -17th 2000, Represented Uganda at the 7th Annual I*EARN International conference in Beijing, China where I,with one of my students, presented  the results of a Telecollaborative project, Food For Everyone. This conference brought together stake holders who want to harness the power of the Internet technologies in Education.

June 15th 2000: Presented a paper "The place of ICT in today's classroom" at the graduation ceremony of Makerere University PGDE students who had completed a 3 month course in  the use of ICT in education organized by SchoolNet Uganda and Makerere College School.

June 7th  2000 Participated in the Technology evaluation exercise conducted the World Bank at Makerere College school in which I received training in evaluating Internet based learning. I also marked students assignments as part of the exercise.

June 5th 2000,  Coordinated a one day Live Online seminar (Agenda21now) URL: http://www.agenda21now.deat Mengo Senior School where students were able to discuss issues  concerning the Environment with people from all over the world  on the World Environment day.

May  2000. Conducted a one week training work shop for  teachers of Mengo Senior school in The Use of Internet and E-mail in Education. The course also covered computer basics and application programs such as MS Word and Excel.

February 2000: Presented a paper entitled Leveraging technology in the classroom for a competitive advantage’ at a Mengo teachers’ workshop on ‘Integrating modern technology in the classroom’, organized by Mengo Senior school.

March 17-19th 2000: Conducted a 3-day Customer Care workshop with Lecturers from Makerere University for National Housing and Construction Corporation. I facilitated under the theme: "Marketing- The new prince in Business".

Feb 2000: Completed WorLD Level Three training:(
This was informal training by a Resource Teacher at Mengo and  SchoolNet National Coordinator.

January 2000: Presented a paper on "The place of the Internet in Geography education" to 3rd year Makerere University Students of BA/Bsc (educ).

December 1999. Attended a One week workshop at ITEK on the Design, Management and implementation of Telecollaborative projects. The workshop was organized by World Links for Development and SchoolNet Uganda.

November 1999 : Delivered a lecture to Makerere University Post graduate students of Computer Science on the "Role and future of the Internet technologies in Uganda"

Oct. 12th 1999: Participated in the organization and launching of schoolNet Uganda, an NGO that now coordinates the introduction and Utilisation of ICT in the Ugandan Educational system.

May 1999 : Completed an Introductory course on Internet, Email and Telecollaborative Projects Development at Mengo senior school

May 1999: Presented a paper on "Strategies to enhance the utilisation of ICT in the Uganda Education system" at national Information and Communication Technology (ICT) conference organized by WorLD and funded by The World Bank.

March & May 1999: Conducted a training program for the employees of Castrol International (U)
Ltd in the area "Stimulating Creativity and innovation for Competitive advantage"

Nov. 1998 : Presented a paper at the 5th Annual International Management Conference on the theme : "Increasing the competitiveness and productivity of African Businesses". My paper was entitled "Leveraging Organisational Learning for a sustainable Competitive Advantage"

Nov. 26-28th 1997 : Delivered a key note address the 4th Annual International Management Conference on the theme," Modernization of African Economies: Challenges and strategies". My key note address centered on "The State of African Economies and the Management agenda "The Conference was organized by the Faculty of Commerce, Makerere University.

May 23rd 1997 : Presented a paper entitled "Promotion" at a marketing seminar on the theme: "Reacting to the marketing challenges : The place of the 4 Ps".  The seminar was organized by the Faculty of Commerce, Makerere University targeting Key businesses in Uganda.

Sept. 8-13, 1996 : Presented a paper at the National Geography workshop on the theme "Improving the teaching and learning of Geography in Secondary Schools". The workshop was organized by KOZASSE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES in conjunction with senior Geography teacher, Gayaza High School and Mengo Senior School. Also facilitated in field trips/ excursions.

June 1996 : Facilitated in a teacher's seminar on the theme, "Standardisation of examinations - a strategy to improving performance". The seminar was organized by senior teachers to streamline the setting of examinations in Uganda.

Web page Design:
 Designed Web pages for

Telecollaborative Projects currently coordinated

Career Progression: Under Construction
Note: Referees available on Request.
Last Updated : April  2001