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Welcome to my awards page! :~)
The criteria for receiving my awards is detailed below.
I have spent many hours designing my awards and I hope you like them. Just follow the instructions below and I will review your site. Depending upon the amount of requests you should receive a reply from me in 1 to 2weeks. It may be less...but if I am backlogged I will let you know via email.

  1. You must be at least 13 years old to apply.
  2. You must be the owner of the website being submitted for review.
  3. No offensive material, i.e. pornographic,racist,vulgar, or other content that I deem inappropriate.
  4. The website must be in English...sorry but I can't remember a single thing from my highschool french classes and I am to lazy to learn another language at my age. :)
  5. Your website must have at least 5 pages of content. Pages with just links or banners will not be considered.
  6. Your website should be as error free as possible. No broken links, graphics that don't load etc. I will check every link on your site and every button.
  7. Your site should be easy to navigate, a way to get back to the main page without me constantly hitting my browser back button.
  8. The website should load quickly and have no more than 2 pop up banners.
  9. Original graphics or credit given when using another's is a must.
  10. I dislike award sites that require you to sign their guestbook to win their award! Therefore you will not score brownie points for signing mine. Please do so if you wish but it will not affect my review of your site.

Well that's it! If you think your website meets all the criteria then please go on to the next page to see my awards and my scoring system. :~)

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