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Well if you've come this far then you consider your site ready! :) I currently have 5 awards which you can view at the bottom of the page. As I add others your more than welcome to apply for those.

After considering all the options for determining your sites award status I came up with the following scoring system.
Your site can receive a total of 100 pts. The point system is this...

  1. Overall content is worth 40 points. Poetry, information, a personal site about you or your family etc. as long as there is somewhat of a theme.
  2. Ease of navigation is worth 20 points.
  3. Pleasing or eye catching graphics are worth 20 points.
  4. A fast loading page (no longer than 15 seconds on my cable connection) is worth 20 points.

That seems easy enough doesn't it? :~)
BUT WAIT! There's more! The following is what I will deduct points for.

  1. Every bad link will cost you 5 points.
  2. Everytime I have to use my browsers back button I will deduct 5 points.
  3. Excessive pop ups (I do take free sites into consideration) animations, java's etc. will result in a 5 point deduction.
  4. If I cannot turn the music off (there are exceptions I make to this such as a theme to a poem or a midi page with lyrics etc.) I will deduct 5 points for each occurance while visiting your site.
  5. Excessive bad grammer and spelling will result in a 5 pt. deduction.

The following scores will result in the awards given...
95-100 points-you will be awarded the webmaster/webmistress award.
85-95 points-you will receive the Golden web award.
75-85 points-you will receive the Silver web award.
65-75 points-you will receive the Bronze web award.

To submit your site please send me an email with your websites address and your name. In the subject line please use "Award".
Click here to submit your site.Thank you and best of luck! :~)

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