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The award on the left is the Golden Web Award, thank you Mr. Carter and your staff. :)
The award on the right is from theGraphixGuy website. Thank you very much!

I received this award from Online Web Creations. Thank you very much Ms. Sinclair. :)

The following 3 awards I received from Jadelane. They were totally unexpected as were her very kind words contained in her email. I thank you so very much Jadelane! :~) Please click on any of her wonderful awards to see her wonderful website!

I am very proud to announce that I was accepted by Phenomenal Women of the Web!

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal -® - Established 1997
Phenomenal Women Of The Web®

I'm proud to be a member of
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal -® - Established 1997
Phenomenal Women Of The Web®
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