Site hosted by Build your free website today! I guess is where you'll read a little more about me. *s* I won't make the silly mistake of promising that I'll write here everyday....but I will update this page as events and time warrent.
I don't think my life is very interesting but what the hey the main page came with a journal button so why not use it! *g* Hopefully there won't be too many of you that fall asleep while reading...but just in case, I make the following suggestions: Please extinguish all smoking materials. Please clear your keyboard and surrounding areas of any and all items that can a) either break when your head falls forward or b) any unempty bottles cans or glasses that may tip should your head hit them while nodding off. It may also be advisable to have a pillow handy...*g*
Well with that intro out of the way...let's start! :)

Okay first am I nervous!...this will set the precendent for all future entries! *s* Okay first entry, the basics... I had a previous site where I was posting my poetry but grew tired of the graphics and layout. I am now in the process of moving everything from there to this site, (changing alot along the way). So far I have the splash page and the main page up (thank you so much Lorien for your graphics and suggestions) and now I'm currently working on getting the poetry moved. The first poem A Child's Eye's is finished, now I'm beginning work on the next A Kiss on the Breeze.
Since I mentioned Lorien I wish to again thank her for her time and advice. This lady is amazing! To read more about her and her life as well as view her terrific graphics check it out here. I emailed her after deciding to use her graphics and added a plea for help. *s* She promptly emailed me back and gave me the feedback I had asked for and more! Thank you again!

Well like I said I haven't written in here in a few days...*g* Let's see...since the last entry I've finished uploading another poem and graphics. The poem is A Memory and it was written during a time when I was feeling a little lost. It's still one of my favorites simply because each time I read it it makes me think back to the time I wrote it, and I am reminded that life does go on and if you give it a chance life can give you opportunities for happiness. Everyone I think evaluates their lives at some point....wondering if this is all there is. I found that the answer was NO! this is just the beginning of what else is out there for me to discover if I only look.
This coming week I'll be away visiting family. Seems all the women (my mother, maternal grandmother, aunt and sister) have all gotten the urge to get together and have a little holiday and catch up on each others lives. So I really do have a good excuse for not posting anything for the next few days. *s*

Well just a quick update before my trip. *s* I did get a few things accomplished inbetween the packing. I found a guestbook that I think will work okay....not sure, I do have that nagging little tendacy to change my mind often. *L* I also began putting up hit counters on the site....I selected two that I think will be fairly reliable...that's why I went with two, so many times you see messages on other sites saying that the counter died. Hopefully with two there will be a somewhat good estimate as too how many people visit. *s* Well I'll be back in a week! *g*
Well I'm back! :~) I had a GREAT time visiting with everyone. I guess I sometimes forget just how good and connected being with your family can be. *s* I had such a good time catching up with my aunt who I hadn't seen in a very long time! She is truly one of the funniest people I know. I know now there is no way I will let so much time slip away before I see her again. Love ya Aunt Gay. ;)
Okies...well now that I'm back I guess it's back to working on this tell the truth though I don't really have the ambition to tackle it tonight....I think instead I'll get a start on it tomorrow (procrastinators favorite saying). *l*
And just so everyone doesn't think I forgot about them....Nite Mom (Donna) Nite Grandma (Dorthy) and good nite Anita (lil' sister) I love all of you too. *g* I'll mention the rest of the family later when I have an hour or so to do it. ;)

Yes I know! I Know! It's been a little longer than a day...told you I procrastinate. *L* Okay now the excuse....(and it really is a good one!) *lol* my boyfriends mother came for a visit Tuesday and will be staying with us for a month. :) She's a great lady. Trust me gals!...if you want to know how your boyfriend future husband etc. is going to treat you,....look at the way his relationship is with his mother! So far it looks like Mary (boyfriends mother) has a great relationship with her sons. She is so easy to get along with and I love her already. :) Mary also loves to play on the computer so I have to share. *g* So for the next month the site may take little more time to get anything accomplished. But on the upside I did get another poem on here. Dreamscapes is the latest and now I'm working on the next one Fairy Tales which I hope to have uploaded by tomorrow...if I can get the graphics finished on it. Until then I'll be visiting and hearing all those awful stories of the boyfriends childhood that he didn't want me to know about. *g* Oh BTW...rather than just calling him the "boyfriend" his name is Dave everyone. *L*

Well I've had a little time and managed to get several more poems added to the site. It's been busy around here so I grab the time on the computer when I can. There has been talk of remodeling the bathroom (oh god!) and so like in most people's lives I guess free-time is becoming a luxury. Hopefully the bathroom remodel can hold off for a month or so....

God has it been a month since I've written anything here?? Well I have been busy...lemme look for a good excuse in my procrastinators bag....hmmmm O.K. here's a good one! We've had even MORE company this last week so the house has been a little full! *L* But now everyone is gone and things can fall back into their normal routine. There still is that talk of remodeling the bathroom but hopefully that won't be so bad....will it??? *L* I have managed however to work on and off here and on top of adding a couple more poems I've gotten the Quotes page started and linked and the Midi's page is beginning to look like something....SEE!! I have been working on it when I can! *g* I hope you all enjoy what I've gotten done so far and I'll update again soon. *s* OH! And have a Happy Mothers Day all! :~)

Well everyone the Jukebox section is finally started....I have a small selection of songs and will be adding more as I find servers to handle them. One thing I have realized in building this site is all the "tweaking" that goes into it! So many times I find myself going back and redoing something on a page or correcting mistakes so that everything flows together.
It's been so cold and rainy here the last couple of days and I have begun to wonder if Minnesota has any weather other than C O L D! Very depressing to look outside and expect sunny days spring flowers...and zip! nada! nuthin of the sort! Ahhh well I'm sure that Arizona when I retire will seem that much more perfect! *L* I shall not complain of the heat one bit! ;~)
I noticed that my sister has signed my guestbook...Big Hugs Anita! I love you too and as proud as you are of me for doodling a few words believe me I am so very proud of you for continuing college!! Just remember to add that guest house to your home when I retire. *g*
And it wouldn't be complete until I mention that I love you Dave on here and I'm thinking about you as I type! :~)
Well that's it for now all. Keep checking back and I'll keep working at this project that seems to be taking on a life of it's own!!!

OH GOD!!! The dreaded bathroom remodeling is about to begin!!! So people for the next 4 days (and hopefully only 4 DAYS!!!!) I shall be busy helping Dave....basically I think the job will entail me being within earshot to commiserate or cajole or applaude as the situation requires. *g* Seriously though...I think it may be fun....hopefully it will be fun??? Well when it's all over I'll let you know! *L* Until then tomorrow I shall take a very very very! long shower and hope that in 4 days time I can take another! *lol* Until then we shall find out how just how much Dave loves me if he can stand me unshowered for that long! Ummm I just thought of something! I wonder if I'll be able to stand HIM?!?! *L* Well wish me luck everyone! I shall let all of you know how it went. ;~)

IT'S STILL GOING!!!! (the bathroom remodeling that is) I have NO bath or shower! Believe me when I tell you people...DO NOT!!! and I repeat DO NOT believe it when your boyfriend tells you that it is only a weekend job! *lol* If you've ever seen the show Tool Time,believe me I am living that situation comedy now! Where do I begin? Well at the beginning...*;~) tearing everything apart went just fine....until we found out one of the walls wasn't a wall! Someone years ago had made a partion using cardboard a few scraps of lumber and the paneling! Sooooo....we had to rebuild a wall. And I won't even get into the plumbing!!! So day after day it's been fixing and rebuilding.... Dave says maybe by next week it'll be done....IF the tile we ordered comes in like they promised....ahhh well...until then folks updates on this site will be few and far between (not to mention grumpily added!) ;~)

Okay I'm still grumpy! YEP you got it still no shower! Let's just say that Dave is working on it...and working on it....and working on it!!! Geesh I really miss hot steamy water running over me! How did people do it before indoor plumbing??!! Well anyway, in spite of all that's been going on here I did manage to add more poems to the site as well as a few more songs with lyrics to the jukebox. Have I mentioned that the Quotes and Favorites pages are up? Man I look at how big this site has started to become and I'm not sure where or what I've been working on! *lol* I'll keep adding to various pages and so to keep things somewhat in order so that people can find out what's been happening since the last visit I guess I should get the "What's New" page up. It'll probably help keep me organized too. :~) Looks like this page is becoming pretty long also and before the download time begins to be to long I guess I should start a page 2 of this journal....ah well at least it keeps me busy and from missing hot water too much. *g*

Page 2

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