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Hi all! As you can see I started a second page to the journal, and if you've been doing your homework and checking around the site you'll also notice that I got the "New" page up! So no more going here to read up on what's been added! *s* Lessee....what's been going on since the last entry....? Well I spent a ton of time on the phone tonight! (Not looking forward to this phone bill!) *g* But afterall it is Fathers Day! So in accordance I called my dad, my grandfather, and Linda! Now I know Linda isn't a dad *g* but her name came up in conversation over the phone and it had been ages!! since I had talked to her so I gave her a call. :~) It's funny how time passes us by so quickly! It slips away with out you noticing until one day you realize that it's gone! We all get wrapped up in our own little worlds, doing the day to day things. And we all swear to ourselves that we won't stay out of touch so long but before you know it it's weeks months and years. I'm terrible about keeping in touch on a regular basis. (yes mom I'll email you tomorrow) *g* I do think about it but put it aside thinking I'll do it later...funny how later never comes....does anyone else notice this problem? *lol* I also got an email from an old "net" friend who I hadn't heard from in months! *waves* Heya Mac! *g* I guess I should set some time aside tomorrow and do some more catching up on the phone and with emails. So if you know me personally expect a line or a call all. ;~) Until then I'm off to bed. Happy Fathers day all you dads! *s*

Well it has certainly been awhile since I've written down anything in here! I claim title to Queen Procrastinator!! *lol* Now I shall rummage through my bag of excuses and see what I can come up with...AH HA! Here's a good one!...ummm nope...perhaps not...just a sec I know I have some good excuses in here somewhere....
Here's one! I was going to save it til the end but might as well start off with a bang! :~) I had a baby!! Yes you read it right A BABY!!! Now you can't possibly be as shocked as I was!
Now, now, I know that procreation isn't something unusual....but for a 41 year old woman it's up there! *lol*
About a month after my last journal post Dave and I got the news via the home pregancy test and then it was confirmed by the doctor in Sept. After the initial "My god, we're going to be "grandparent" parents" and "I thought we were to old for this..." reactions, we settled into pregnacy with all the morning, noon and night sickness, followed by the "I'm so fat! Gimmee more ice cream!" stages.
On April 12th 2002 we finally got to meet our little angel Jaclyn (Jackie) Sue. :~) She was 2 weeks over due and just refused to come out! *lol* Perhaps she had her doubts about us, I don't know... ;~)
We were just thankful that she was a healthy baby! Being an "older" woman the risks were higher for any number of things that could have went wrong, but as Dave has so often said, "We found each other for a reason...maybe Jackie is the reason we were meant to be together."
And so now at nine months Jackie is hell on wheels constantly keeping us on our toes and filling our lives with joy. *s*
If you want to see our little ankle hugger you can visit her website here.
And that's my best excuse! Even though I haven't been writing in the journal I have been working on the site. If you check out the "What's New Section" you can see everything I've been doing. :~)
Well this ain't been a good day! After adding 3 more poems which I'll put in the "What's New" section I come back today to find that half...HALF!! of my pages are blank! GRRRR stupid Angelfire! The only conclusion I can come up with other than they are related to MSN, is that just a couple of days ago they started fiddling around with the area that you create your pages. Obviously they have a few "bugs" to work out! :~| So all day long I've been going back and reloading the pages that are missing. This entails looking up which backgrounds, music, graphics, etc. that I used for each page.
I've now learned a lesson that all is not safe and secure on the net and I've started saving a copy of the html for each page and saving it on my harddrive...which with my luck will promptly freeze and eat said documents as soon as I'm to be even more safe I guess I'll have to burn the files onto a disc just to be sure that I don't have to go through all this hassle again! :P "phttttttt" I swear I'm going to find another server soon and move!
Life goes on here. Dave is laid off from work, has been since right after Christmas. Needless to say we've been getting on each other's nerves.
With the economy the way it is and Bush pushing for war no telling when things will pick up and they call Dave back to work.
Jackie will be a year old next month! God where has the time gone? The little devil is taking steps when the distance to where she wants to go isn't to great. So now it's just a matter of time before I have a full fledged toddler on my hands. :~)

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