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If you would like to see the newest updates please go directly here.

Well folks since the site is growing and it's becoming harder to keep up with what I'm adding I've added this page to hopefully help those who check back find what has recently been added. Each new feature is linkable by just clicking on it. Saves you the time of having to go back and look for it in the proper section don't it? *g* Well I hope this helps and I'll try and keep this updated frequently. Happy browsing. :~)

5 new songs added to the Jukebox page. They are:
Because You Love Me
From This Moment
I Love You
My Heart Will Go On
Please Remember Me

Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated or added anything but as in everyones my life has taken a few turns. *s*
3 more songs have been added to the Jukebox so check them out. :)
Have I Told You Lately
I Am Your Angel
If My Heart Had Wings

I've also managed to get another poem uploaded today, Ode to a Furby.
You can see it on the Poems page.

I know it's been awhile but life has been hectic! However I'm back and I've added 3 more poems.
Sandcastles (part I)
Sandcastles (part II)
Silent Tears
You can see give them a look on the Poems page. :-)

There are 4 more midis added! :-)
The Way We Were
We've Only Just Begun
and Sailing
You can check them all out here

After several problems with the time it took to upload a page I have decided to redo the graphics. I've also decided to give making my own graphics a try. :) Hopefully I shall get the site redone in a few weeks. Until then I thank you in advance for your patience and apologize for the broken links.
Well it's coming along slowly...the splash page and main page are done. I've started working on the poems, but after looking at the graphics there I've decided to redo alot of the main pics and backgrounds. I'm starting to realize just how much work is entailed in making your own graphics! At this pace I'm only completing one page a day.
I finally have alot of the poems redone and I've decided to move onto the midi page. I really like how the graphics have turned out and really enjoy making my own. :) The main midi page graphics are finished and now I'll start the process of creating the pages for the midis and lyrics.
I been busily working on the site and have the midi section linked. I've gotten several pages done there with the lyrics and graphics and hope to get several more done before the new year. :~) I've also got the page set up for other poets, however I'm still debating on whether or not to give each poem it's own page....for now they are all on one page...when time allows I may go back and change that.
I'm now working on the graphics for the Quotes page and hopefully will have that finished by tomorrow.
Once I have the main pages up and linked I'll go back and add more to each section. It seemed more important to get the main sections up so that the site will be more complete. :~)
And last but not least I have to thank my wonderful Dave for buying me the latest version of PSP (Paint Shop Pro)!! It's a wonderful early Christmas present and now I no longer have to download the trial versions! YEA! I use PSP to create the graphics for this site and I highly recommend it to all!
Well at last I have all the links up and hopefully working! ;) Now it's just a matter of adding additional pages to each section.
I also got rid of the old guestbook...bravenet and angelfire for some reason just don't work together. :( I think it has something to do with angelfire preventing remote linking of graphics to other sites. Although I like the bravenet guestbook unless you can see the darn thing it doesn't do any good. So I went with Angelfires own guest book. It's not as nice but at least those of you that wish to can sign and read it.

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