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Hello! :) I'm glad you found my little corner on the web. On these pages you'll find my poetry as well as poems written by others. I also have a selection of quotes that I have accumulated over the years.
There is a selection of some of my favorite songs along with the lyrics and also midi favorites. I am planning to have a section of song lyrics also as time allows.
If your interested in who I am, (egotistical I know *lol*) I have a journal here also...although it is sadly out of date and I'll be working on updating that also.
I just gave the place a facelift and I hope you'll like the new colors and layout. :) All the links are working but if you happen across one that isn't please email me so that I can fix it asap.
Even though I'm finished with the main layout of the site I still have alot more to add so please drop by from time to time and have a look around.
If your a return visitor you can check the "What's New" section to see what has been added.
You can navigate this site with the links below and I hope you enjoy your time here. Please sign the guestbook and let me know you dropped by. :)

The above links will navigate you through my site.

A quick tip for dealing with the pop up ads....just minimize them and you shouldn't have them constantly appearing with every new page you open. Sorry for the inconvience but that's the price I and unfortunately you pay for using a free site domain.

Please sign my guestbook below. :)

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