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My Bonsai & Exotic Plants

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One of the greatest things about keeping Reptiles & Amphibians
has been that it has introduced
me to the fun of growing plants.!
Here are some of the Bonsai Trees that I have grown.

These are some pictures of Bonsai.
These were taken in the outdoor Greenhouse
during spring and summer.

This is a Ginkgo Tree.
Grown as an Informal Upright.

These are the bonsai after a long dark winter.

The Juniper in the spring, Notice the lack of lush moss.

This is a second Ginkgo Tree.
Also grown as an Informal Upright.

These are two photo's of a Boxwood tree.

This is a dwarf Orange tree, it produces a few oranges each year!

A Common Ficus "Fig" tree.

This is a Ficus given to me by a dear friend
Mr. Ken Fox from Washington,D.C.

This is a Ficus growing Semi-Cascade/Root on rock , in a Lava rock.

Ginkgo Tree.

A very cool Japanese "blood" maple tree.

The next four photo's are of Juniper trees.
Juniper tend to be the "classic" look that
People who remember the Karate kid associate
"bonsai" trees with.
These are easy trees to style.

This is a photo of an indoor "bonsai" room in
spring, late snow caused me to use an indoor greenhouse.

Palm Trees make interesting Vivarium Trees,
and Cool Bonsai!

Many people keep Schffluria as house plants,
but they also make fine Root over rock Bonsai!

The following are "Jade" trees.

A flowering Hen-N-Chicks always looks nice.

This is a Russian Grey barked Elm,
AKA, Zelkova.

Carnivourous plants!

This is my Tropical vivarium.
It is made from a 29 gallon All Glass aquarium.
It has am egg crate bottom plate, covered by
hydro-balls, and a 3" layer of coco block soil.
The moss is from my roof,
it was removed with a putty knife.
There are Sundews, Cobra Lillies,Nepenthese,
Staghorn ferns, tillandsia, and various tropical plants.
After it has been set up and doing well for awhile,
I plan to add a pair of Anoles, and Mantellias.

The following are some Carnivorous plants
at different stages in various seasons.
It's the learning curve at :O)


God Bless America and OUR TROOPS!!