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****Herpetoculturial Index****

Check these Links for Care Information

Horned Lizard Care & Information
Chameleon Care & Information
Keeping Small & Medium Lizards
Feeding Reptiles & Amphibians
Reptile Attacks!!!
The Crocodile Hunter Web Lair!!
An Awesome Fan site for Jeff Corwin
My Homepage


GOD BLESS...The Irwin Family!
We ALL Miss Steve Deeply!
Our Hearts ache with you...

My background:
I Grew up in Nevada, I collected and kept many species of native S.W. and exotic Herps.
I Never thought that some day they would be scarce.
Today, many are protected from collecting.
Not only because of over collection for the pet trade but , because of habitat destruction.
The loss of native insect foods, For horned lizards, namely the loss of the Harvester ants!
{Pogonomyrmex sp.}
In many deserts the introduction of the S. American Fire Ant;
{Solenopsis invicta}
A non-native species that is NOT consumed by our native reptiles.
Today, I obtain when ever possible ANY Legally (already owned or long term)
collected or captive species that I might be able
to keep and breed in captivity.

Most states have laws protecting native species from collection.
many states allows some collection.

I know that some conservationists view this as a bad thing for the native reptiles.
I personally believe that because of this allowance,
many hobbyists, especially those advanced “herpetoculturists”
now have a chance to attempt to breed these species in captivity,
and thus allow others enjoy them.

I DO NOT advocate beginners, keep specialized species such as the horned lizards.
However if you have experience and the resources to provide exacting habitat in
captivity, The rewards from keeping native species can be very exciting and rewarding.

My Professional Experiance:
I also Owned and operated TANKS ALOT Pet shop
In Fairbanks, Alaska, from 1990 to 1993.
I was the President of the Fairbanks
Herpetoculturial Society for 4 years and the
President of the Las Vegas Aquarium and
Terrarium society in 1988. (defunct)
When I lived there and worked at F.I.S.H.
and Classy Canines Pet shops.
I have worked at the following: Pet shops

Fishville.. 1970's...Las Vegas.
Jay's Exotic's...1970's...Las Vegas
Classy Canines...1980's...Las Vegas
F.I.S.H.....1980's....Las Vegas
Pet Haven...Fairbanks....1980's
Pleasing Pastimes pet's...Fairbanks...1980's
Tanks Alot Aquarium Maintenance...Fairbanks 1980's
Tanks Alot Aquarium & pet center...Fairbanks...1990's

I have been active in giving R & A talks in area schools.
I am known as "Iguana Don" because I wear a
large Iguana costume and always bring lots of
my reptile and amphibian buddies!!:O)
And a big bag of candy!!...LOL!!!

I have owned many types of reptiles and Amphibians:
Two of my Boas are now owned by Zigfreid & Roy, In Las Vegas.
I took part in a study in the 1970's as a child with
Poly-anti-venom tests for Majove Green rattlesnakes.
I have also kept many types of amphibians.
I really LOVE Cane Toads!
I had a pair for years that were dog tame!
I have a rounded experiance with "herps".
and enjoyed my tenure as the President of the
Fairbanks Herpetoculturial Society.
I love herpetoculture and I am always here
to help Anyone who needs information or advice on
keeping reptiles and amphibians,
Is WELCOME to contact me personally.
I am NOT an expert but I will try and point
you to someone who is...

I believe...
Herpetoculture is a lifestyle and a love.
Own and animal?.. Then...Own it for life!
Animals are NOT disposable!

I hope you enjoy my Herpetoculturial site.