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Hip Hop, squish squash. what is a frog ?
A long time ago in England that very question was asked.
Frogs are smooth skinned creatures that hop about eating bugs.
Ribbit, Ribbit. Frogs sing in the night all around the pond,
waiting ....
Waiting for what ? For more frogs of course !
Frogs are known as Amphibians, most amphibians lay eggs in water.
Frogs come in many sizes, some frogs like the African bull frog can grow to be almost two feet long and can jump almost three feet, Boing !!!!!!!!
Some little frogs like the Spring Peeper are no bigger than a thin dime and they look almost see through.
Some frogs, called Tree Frogs, have sticky feet with little suction cups on their toes so that they can spring from leaf to leaf looking
for little bugs to eat, Crunch, Crunch.
Some people eat frog legs ! They say the legs taste like Chicken !
I prefer to just eat Chicken! Frogs are found almost every where, there are even frogs in North Pole, Alaska ! The Arctic Wood frog lives here. The next time you visit the gravel ponds in the spring look closely you may see a frog swimming around looking for it's lunch.
Leap into the world of Amphibians.....
Go to the library and read all about them !
Written just for your child by
Don Petty,(c) 1991