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Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo Federation History

The Beginning:

In 1977, Sensei Tyrone Wiggins was station at Camp Schwab Marine Corps Base on Okinawa where he began training under Seijiro Maehara, 9th Dan Karate & Kobudo in Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo League Kenburyu for two years. Sensei Tyrone Wiggins formed the Isshin Kai-Do Karate Kobudo Federation in 1978 which meant "One Heart Assoc. Way" with other martial artist from the Marines. As brothers and sisters of budo, they trained hard each day to prepare themselves for returning back to the states with a better understanding and knowledge of Karate and Kobudo.

On July 27, 1980, Sensei Tyrone Wiggins was discharged from the United States Marines. However, he started teaching Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo at the Martin Luther King Recreation Center, still keeping in contact with his brotherhood of Marines on Okinawa. While teaching at the center, Sensei Tyrone Wiggins exchanged his training concepts from Okinawa with members of Goju-ryu, Kyokushinkai, Shotokan and Kung-fu. Sensei Tyrone Wiggins started teaching his new friends Okinawan Kobudo from the various masters he had trained with on Okinawa. There were a number of times when Sensei Tyrone Wiggins had to prove himself as a fighter by sparring them everyday. They found out quick about Sensei Tyrone Wiggins kicking ability and nick named him crazy legs. Sensei Tyrone Wiggins teacher Seijiro Maehara was called the bull on Okinawa for his fighting ability, so fighting was second nature to Sensei Wiggins when he had to spar. After a number of fights at the center they started teaching Sensei Tyrone Wiggins body mechanics of their styles, and he taught them Okinawan Kobudo.

When it was all said and done, Sensei Tyrone Wiggins had an outstanding working relationship with these wonderful warriors. After forming a bond with them, they joined his Isshin Kai-Do Karate Kobudo federation which he started on Okinawa in 1978.

The federation conducted a number of seminars on Kobudo and competed in tournaments winning a number of championships. The federation was doing fine until other members felt that too much attention was being spent on developing it, and the ideas that were being made for the future. After seeing the Kobudo forms that the masters from Okinawa had taught Sensei Tyrone Wiggins being changed, Sensei Wiggins called for a meeting.

The meeting was a disaster right from the start, because now we had a number of members wanting to start their own organizations and associations. However, It was a mess, because Sensei Wiggins tried to hold everything together but the support just wasn't there anymore. On August 18, 1995, the Isshin Kai-Do Karate Kobudo Federation was disbanded for life after 16-years.

After the Isshin Kai-Do Karate Kobudo Federation broke up, Sensei Tyrone Wiggins formed the Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo Federation. Sensei Wiggins stop teaching Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo to the unworthy. To watch a Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo practitioner, you will see Goju Ryu, Shotokan, Kyokushinkai and the concepts of Ryukyu Kobudo/Okinawa.

The below masters had an influence on Kyoshi Wiggins kobudo training.

1. Hanshi Warren Cunningham

2. Master William Roy Sr.

3. Hanshi Richard Gonzalez

4. Kyoshi Vic Coffin

5. Hanshi Larry Issac

6. Hanshi Seijiro Maehara

7. Hanshi Seikichi Odo

8. Hanshi C. Bruce Heilman

9. Hanshi Shinpo Matayoshi

10. Yamanni-Ryu Style

11. Hanshi Hidemi Tamayose

12. Hanshi Okuro Nakameishi

13. Okinawan Ryukyu Kobudo

Greetings Viewers: I will say this one thing, never change tradition because the roots are deep with knowledge. If someone teaches you something of traditional value, never change it.

I hope who ever reads this finds a worthy teacher to train with because the good ones are dying out.

Monday, March 10, 2025

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