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Karate Vacabulary


KYU Grade: A rank designation for under black belt.
DAN Degree: A rank designation for first to tenth degree black belt.
MUDANSHA: One without degree - A student not yet at black belt.
YUDANSHA: Black belt holder - A title designating rank of first to tenth degree black belt.


DESHI: Disciple or trainee - A student regardless of rank.
KOHAI: Junior - A beginning student.
SEMPAI: Senior - A title given to brown belts if no black belts are present.
SENSEI: Teacher or instructor - A black belt qualified to teach.
SHIHAN: Master teacher - Instructor of very high rank, sixth degree or above.

TITLES (Not all receive titles)

TASHI: Expert - A third or fourth degree black belt.
RENSHI: Polished expert - A fourth, fifth or sixth degree black belt.
KYOSHI: Expert instructor - A sixth or seventh degree black belt.
HANSHI: Master - A respected master of eighth to tenth degree black belt.


O'SENSEI: Great instructor - Highest master within a system.
KAICHO: Master of the house - Senior master of a system.
MEIJIN: Expert - One who has mastered an art beyond the boundaries of physical prowess.
MENKYO-KAIDEN: A certificate of full proficiency in a Japanese martial art.


Hachikyu, 8th kyu - white rope
Shichikyu, 7th kyu - white belt
Rokkyu, 6th kyu - yellow belt
Gokyu, 5th kyu - blue belt
Yonkyu, 4th kyu - green belt
Sankyu, 3rd kyu - brown belt (3rd)
Nikyu, 2nd kyu - brown belt (2nd)
Ikkyu, 1st kyu - brown belt (1st)

Shodan, 1st degree
Nidan, 2nd degree
Sandan, 3rd degree
Yodan, 4th degree
Godan, 5th degree
Rokudan, 6th degree
Shichidan, 7th degree
Hachidan, 8th degree
Kudan, 9th degree
Judan, 10th degree


Chudan: Middle level
Chui: Warning
Deshi: Disciple, trainee
Dojo: Training hall; gymnasium
Gedan: Lower level
Hajime: Start
Jodan: Upper level
Kata: Fixed sequence of techniques practiced alone
Karate Gi: Karate uniform
Kiai: Method of shouting peculiar to Japanese martial arts
Kihon: Basic training
Kihon-Kumite: Basic prearranged sparring
Kime: Focusing concentration and power
Kumite: Sparring
Ma-ai: Distancing
Mawate: Turn around, or about face
Makiwara: Punching board
Osu: Form of greeting peculiar to karatekas in Japan
Seito: Pupil, student
Shiai: Contest
Shobu: Match
Shomen: Place for dignitaries
Yame: Stop
Yoi: Get ready

Ichi, 1
Ni, 2
San, 3
Shi, 4
Go, 5
Roku, 6
Shichi, 7
Hachi, 8
Ku, 9
Ju, 10


Fudo-dachi: Rooted stance
Heisuko-dachi: Informal Attention stance
Jiyu-dachi: Free-fighting stance
Kiba-dachi: Straddle leg stance; aka "Horse stance"
Kokutsu-dachi: Back stance
Mae-dachi: Front stance
Niko Ashi-dachi: Cat stance
Sanchin-dachi: Hour-glass stance
Zenkutsu-dachi: Forward stance

Age-zuki: Rising punch
Awase-zuki: U punch
Choku-zuki: Straight punch
Gyaku-zuki: Reverse punch
Kagi-zuki: Hook punch
Kizami-zuki: Jab
Mawashi-zuki: Roundhouse punch
Oi-zuki: Lunge punch
Tate-zuki: Vertical fist punch
Teisho-zuki: Palm-heel punch
Ura-zuki: Close punch

Fumikomi: Stamping kick
Gyaku mawashi-geri: Reverse roundhouse kick
Mae-geri keage: Front snap kick
Mae-geri kekomi: Front thrust kick
Mae-tobi-geri: Jumping front kick
Mawashi-geri: Roundhouse kick
Mikazuki-geri: Crescent kick
Ushiro-geri keage: Back snap kick
Ushiro-geri kekomi: Back thrust kick
Yoko-geri keage: Side snap kick
Yoko-geri kekomi: Side thrust kick
Yoko-tobi-geri: Jumping side kick

Empi-uchi: Elbow strike;
(Mawashi empi-uchi: Roundhouse elbow strike)
(Otoshi empi-uchi: Downward elbow strike)
(Ushiro empi-uchi: Rear elbow strike)
(Yoko empi-uchi: Side elbow strike)
Haishu-uchi: Back hand strike
Haito-uchi: Ridge hand strike
Koko-uchi: Tiger mouth hand strike
Shuto-uchi: Knife hand strike

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