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Kata is a formal exercise practiced in karate which incorporates a series of movements designed to perfect form, agility, stamina, power and speed. Studied and practiced properly, kata provides a method for creating and expressing various feelings ad moods. While at the same time, it provides an excellent means to sharpen self defense techniques. Kata also preserves various techniques created by the masters from the past.

Perhaps most importantly, kata provides a path leading to perfection of self-defense and ones character. This is accomplished through the continued practice of kata. The mind and the body begin to work together as a single unit. Wholeness and harmony are the results, and this provides greater strength to deal with inner struggle of life. Kata is karate's soul. It is also the backbone that shapes karate's form, meaning and beauty. It is the poetry of karate.

One of kata's uniques features is that you may practice anywhere, anytime. you do not need a large space, partner, or speacial equipment. It is important to practice as often as possible. When you are angry or frustrated, kata will help you to release your feelings and your thinking will become clearer and more focused. When you are calm and relaxed, kata practice will help enhance your tranquility. When tired, the practice of kata will stimulate and refreash you. No matter how you feel kata practice will fuel your growth.

Each kata begins and ends with a bow. If you keep an open mind, or the beginners mind, this simple act should always serve as a reminder that the true essence of karate which is striving to perfect ones character. Kata should be performed with spirit and strengh, not arrogance.

Take your kata practice seriously. Whether you are in the Dojo or at home, you must focus intently on what you are doing. It is foolish and fruitless to merely memorize a series of movements. You must understand that all the movements and techniques are interrelated, not random. And as you practice and grow you will begin to understand and appreciate the brilliance and beauty of each kata.

We who study Karate-Doh
Should never forget the spirit of the warriors' way,
Through Peace, Perserverence and Hard Work,
We shall attain our goal.

Tsuyoshi Chitose

To understand shuriha, you must first free your mind from all knowing. Shuriha involves a triple staged evolution, where (shu) means learning the craft and system, by correctly copying and following the instructor. After mastering the system through long and hard training, acquiring a profound understanding of the principles, a natural step will be to adjust karate to ones own physique and mind allowing for more individuality in performance. Thus one reaches the next step (ha) seeking to improve the system. Through further determined practice and study one may hope to reach mastery and bring the art further, even if it takes liberating oneself from and discarding part of the system. One has reached the (ri) stage of enlightment being a complete martial artist, with own ideas and principles, getting a personal "style".


Monday, March 10, 2025

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