The Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo Federation is not your typical multi-style organization. The SKKF is primarily a single style organization dedicated to the promotion and propagation of traditional standards of Karate & Kobudo. Practitioners of other martial arts styles can participate in the SKKF Oki-Kobudo-weapons program under the auspices of the SKKF Oki-Kobudo Divison.
All practitioners regardless of belt rank will start at the beginning because of the body mechanics of the movements are very difficult to learn. And if you have never done traditional Okinawan Kobudo blocks, strikes or disarmaments before, you will start at the bottom once you start.
After the completion of all the Oki-Kobudo weapon forms prior to promotion certification for shodan black belt, the individual must demostrate all the "BUNKAI" for each weapon and give a verbal history resume explaining Oki-Kobudo.
There will be one 10x14 Oki-Kobudo certificate issued by the SKKF along with a Oki-Kobudo shoulder patch which must be placed on the left shoulder 1-inch down, and a Oki-Kobudo patch for the belt/obi. Before taking the exam test there will be an exam fee for all canidates.
The Oki-Kobudo-weapons classes are every Tuesday & Thursday 6:30pm-9:00pm and on Saturday 10am-4pm. The classes are given personally by Kyoshi Wiggins to ensure proper techniques.
The SKKF Oki-Kobudo is open to all styles of martial arts just email us that you are coming and prepare your mind and body for some hard Okinawan training. no video taping allowed in the Oki-Kobudo classes.
To be eligible for Oki-Kobudo certification to black belt, the trainee must have two years of hard training.
Kobudo History
Okinawan Weapons
Kobudo Certificate
Kobudo Registration