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SEISHI: And What It Means


The word (Seishi) has great meaning to it, but the concepts is that of every day warrior life. However, each person destiny in life is different, but you will face death. When we speak about warriors, are we talking about the every day martial artist? Or we just talking about warriors from feudal Japan? I don't think so anymore. If a mother saw a train approaching and about to hit and kill her child, would she make the sacrifice and give her own life? I think very much so.

In feudal Japan, a warrior standing on the battlefield by himself in the present of his lord, would face 10,000 Samurai, giving his life, which was the highest honor.

SEI-meaning "life" and SHI-meaning "death". However, the complete word together in our system means "transcending", and since we are not serving a lord in Japan, this is our meaning. In life we practice the martial ways, and in death we are remembered through those ways, by giving total commitment to the "Do", from life to death.

Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo is a (transcending system) that took the traditional concepts from other systems such as their katas, weapons and incorporating them into our system, keeping them pure from change.

The Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo System highest colored belt is black. However, the president may wear a red & white colored belt for special martial arts events. We do not use terms and titles such as Grand Master, Hanshi, Master, Professor or Doctor, because these titles are misused and abused too much.

The Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo System titles of 1st-2nd Dan is (Sempai level), 3rd. Dan is (Sensei level), 4th-6th Dan is (Renshi level), 7th.Dan is (Shihan level), 8th.Dan is (Kyoshi level), 9th-10th Dans are head Levels of (Vice President and President) or Kancho/Kaicho.

Our Karate roots for the Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo Federation comes from the influence of Okinawa Kenpo Karate, Goju-Ryu, Shotokan, Ryueryu and Kyokushinkai.

The Kobudo we practice is Oki-Kobudo, and our kobudo roots comes from the influence of Yamanni-Ryu, Okinawa Kenpo Kobudo, Shinsei-Ryu Kobujutsu, Matayoshi Kobudo, Tesshinkan Kobudo and Ryukyu Kobudo.

My name is Kyoshi Tyrone Wiggins, President/Founder & Chief Instructor of the Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo Federation. I personally believe in Shuhari true meaning which involves a triple staged evolution where (shu) means learning the craft and system by correctly copying and following the instructor. After mastering the system through long and hard training, acquiring a profound understanding of the principles, a natural step will be to adjust karate to ones own physique and mind allowing for more individuality in performance. Thus one reaches the next step (ha) seeking to improve the system. Through further determined practice and study one may hope to reach mastery and bring the art further, even if it takes liberating oneself from and discarding part of the system. One has reached the (ri) stage of enlightment being a complete martial artist with his or her own ideas and principles, getting a personal "style".

Monday, March 10, 2025

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