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The S.K.K.F. Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo Federation has conducted Oki-Kobudo/weapon seminars around the United States and Canada to educate martial artist on the values of Oki-Kobudo weapons training with empty hand training. Our seminars have been very exciting and fun while training hard. We recommend this seminar for the beginner, intermediate and advance, and for each person to have a clear mind of understanding. This is an Oki-Kobudo style seminar for four long hours, so bring plenty of water, because your training is going to get heated. A seminar certificate will be given to every participant that register for an Oki-Kobudo seminar.

The SKKF Oki-Kobudo seminar fee per person is $40 for one day and $50 per person for two days. The school or dojo instructor hosting an Oki-Kobudo seminar may charge his or her students a different rate to make a profit for hosting this event. All Oki-Kobudo seminars by the SKKF are conducted mainly on Saturday & Sunday from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The SKKF has a special three day Oki-Kobudo seminar fee for $65 per person starting on Friday 6:30pm-9:30pm and Saturday and Sunday 11am-3pm. Remember, kobudo history papers will be given out during this seminar for your own personal knowledge. The first hour is on the sai, tonfa and bo kihons. The second hour is on the (tonfa form) Maehara No-Tonfa. The third hour is on the (sai form) Takamura No-Sai. (bo & tonfa kumite-bo & sai kumite). The fourth hour is on the (bo form) Pechin No-Kun. Please bring a standard 6'ft bo and no pen needle or jo bo to this Oki-Okinawan training seminar. Video cameras are allowed at these seminars. We recommend that the participants be 12 years old with their parents permission or older to participate in this SKKF seminar.

The SKKF teach traditional Oki-Kobudo strikes, blocks and disarmament. We do not teach tricks are fancy moves with the weapons for a quick tournament fix. All instructor's that hold a SKKF Oki-Kobudo seminar at their school or dojo, will have the privilege of training in Oki-Kobudo for free at the Wiggins Karate Academy for six months. These classes take place every Tuesday & Thursday from 6:30pm-9:00pm and on Saturday at 10am-1pm. The Oki-Kobudo classes are taught personally by Kyoshi Wiggins Sr. to ensure proper technique and body mechanics.

This is our seminar certificate,
this certificate is fussy for a reason.


Kyoshi Wiggins Sr.

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