Greetings, to those whom have trained their whole life in the Martial Arts, giving total commitment to the (Do). However, for the ones who didn't, there is still hope for you to make a turn around. Have you ever been to a karate dojo and couldn't believe some of the teachers giving the instructions? I mean the ones that do nothing but talk a good game to hide there inability to perform, and they always make excuses about an injury or just did not have enough time to practice. What about the ones who say they belong to a federation and trained with this person and that person, but there are no contact numbers, websites to verify this individual. Don't get me wrong, some of them are very knowledgeable after reading a number of books, which gives them a license to run their big mouth, but still unable to perform. These people are blinded by there own madness to rob the pure essence of (Karate-Do) by mouth point, using watered down techniques. Here are some of the signs to look for when you visit a dojo:
(1). The teacher never performs no matter how many times you visit their school.
(2). They always decline to perform at your dojo when they visit.
(3). They have a headache or other injuries at that time.
(4). They tell one of their students to do it for them.
(5). You will never actually see them do a kata on the floor with their students.
(6). Their instructors and teachers live 10-States away and only they can contact them.
These individuals will do anything to hide their true self, by positioning themselves around good martial artist, to give themselves credibility, but still being numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. By being around other good teachers in the area, these individual starts to believe and think they are one. Some of these individuals never produced any blacks belts, maybe one or two, and then they call themselves master, shihan, kyoshi and hanshi to look big around others. They themselves never been seen by anyone as a competitor in tournaments around the local area or anywhere else for that matter. However, the other teachers in the area already knows about this person but doesn't want to hurt his/her feelings by detroying their ego.
Have you ever met an individual with a high rank in Karate and Kobudo but have self doubt about their own rank, because it was given to them by a person or persons that didn't measure up to their own rank? This person is running from his or herself, and they will never catch up because they were loss from the start. These individuals will do anything to prove that they deserved the rank even though they know they shouldn't have it. Unlike others they will perform and it might not be a great performance, but they will perform anywhere at anytime. They also will position themselves around other area martial artist so their rank could be excepted. Here are some clues to look for when dealing with these persons:
(1). They put a lot of stripes on their black belts to look and feel important some times 9-10 degrees.
(2). They walk around karate events, tournaments and seminars with their chest sticking out.
(3). If you call them sensei they get mad at you and want you to call them master, shihan, kyoshi or hanshi.
(4). They know it all.
I believe unless you are sick and injured to the point that you can no longer perform, you as a teacher should be on the floor teaching until your heart stops, because it's a way of life. Don't get me wrong, a teacher have to stop for other business matters, but for the most part, he or she should be on the floor leading by example. In my dojo, I am always on the floor teaching my students by demonstrating the katas and weapons before teaching it to them. I live by the example of the masters and teachers before me, because the old ways of tradition through me will never die.
"Oops! I forgot about the 27 year-old 7th & 8th degree black belts that doesn't know if they are coming or going. On the average it takes 12-13years for 4th Dan, 16-17years for 5th Dan, 20-21years for 6th Dan, and 27-30yearrs for 7th Dan, need I say anymore? Now, would someone please tell me if it takes 27-30years for 7th Dan, then how can one person have a 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Dans in seven (7) different styles because that's what you see when you read their bio's on the web, and that's why we call them pretenders. If they received the ranks honorary fine, but if they didn't, they must have lived in different times.
Pretenders are all around you because they are everywhere and you can not avoid them. The biggest stage for them to showcase themselves are at karate tournaments, because this is the place they get to show off their rank. They get to tell other kids how they should perform their katas but they themselves have never competed anywhere. They will judge your students not giving them the proper score because they wouldn't know technique if it was up close. They will judge a weapons division and can't do weapons themselves, and they will point out your mistakes over and over again, just to show you they know what they are talking about. The big test for a pretender is to put them through the pretenders test. Now, if a judge tells you about your mistakes after the competition is over, ask him or her to show you the exact stances in the kata they found wrong and the same for the weapon, and see what happens. The pretenders usually shy away from the word "SHOW ME", and will not perform the stances in the kata or the techniques for the weapon. However, the budo warrior who practices everyday of their life will show you anything you want after they told you about your mistakes.