We'd like to know what you think about our web site. Please leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with other visitors.
Hi guys Just a note to say I love your page and look forward to seeing more of your dogs in the future Simone Arista Pointers New Zealand
Your puppies look very cute and healthy. Congratulations. Mary Morris
The puppies are Beautifull!!!
The puppies are adorable. Judy
Nice job on the web sight. It is professional and has great links that takes one to general information sites for pointers and detailed photos of your dogs and new puppies. Not much is missed. You obviously are very proud of your pointers, and they are great! Dan
great work with the page,the puppies look outstanding
Congratulations on the the beautiful puppies. They are adorable. One even looks like he has Galahads shield on his bottom. I really like the yellows too they are so cute. Rick loved hunting with you,he had a blast & learned a lot. Rick & Karen Hagen
we need a picture of them so I could do a diarama.
Hi Bren & Rio, Can't wait to see you and the pups during Christmas holidays. Hope there are good homes out there for the pups. You've done a stupendous website job! Love, Sis Kaela
Very nice web site. A few of the links seem to have problems and my server keeps saying the web site is sending illegal cookies.I did manage to see most of it.Russ Bourne Riverview Pointers
Love the puppies and your website is wonderful. Barb BiBa's Kennels in South Carolina Home of "T.J." CH Kismet BiBa's Status Quo (out of our first litter)and we also have two litters #2 and #3 of pups, whelped in July 2002, doesn't get any better than Pointer Pups.
Hello to all Mike Chiaurro Equinoxx Reg. Kennels
Great web site! Your puppies look lovely. A friend sent it to me to see Sir Galahad's pedigree as we both have Pointers that go back to a lot of the Crookrise, Taunton Bay, and old Cumbrian. I just hate it when I see Pointer pups! It is sooo tempting. They are the greatest.
We've got a 9 year old English pointer (35 pounds) with a wonderful laid-back disposition. We found her on the highway as a puppy and couldn't locate the owner. She's a great hunter. she hunts with our Brittany (9) and setter (11.) We knew nothing about pointers, but this one has been such a family treasure that we are looking for a puppy. Like you websight and certainly enjoyed the puppy pictures.
What is your Name, Phone#, e-mail? And we will contact you !
Beautiful puppies, thanks for sharing them with us. Barb
Such beautiful dogs! Congratulations!
Hi! Love your website and all the lovely pointer pics. Did you know that "Skipjack" (Rosetti's dad) is livin the high life in Montana these days? I have 4 other Skip kids, and I'll be showing in Missoula this spring. If you want to see him in the flesh I'd be happy to bring him to the Missoula shows, and keep a look out for me at any of the area shows. I'd love to meet you, Rosetti (I saw her in PA when she was just a little squirt), and all your crew. Lynn Babbitt aka babblelynn@netscape.net
Very nice web site photos Richard. I will look forward to meeting you and your elegant pointers! Vicki@dryhollow.com
love the site, awesome job. good luck with all the new puppies, very cute, Suzzie Fitzgerald (monarch pointers)
Found your site through "The Straight Poop" newsletter -- what great puppy shots you have! We have a 6 year old (we think) black & white Pointer named Cassidy who was apparently found somewhere in Wyoming, and we were lucky enough to adopt her from a rescue group here in Olympia, WA. We keep wishing we'd been able to see her as a puppy, and now we have a good idea what she looked like. Adorable!! Can't wait to show your website to my husband.
the puppy pics are sooo cute!!!!!
I`d like to know what state you are located in. I`m interested in a puppy next year. I live on Long Island. NY. Thanks. Dian dianvanulk@aol.com
My family and I had lost our dog of five years to a biting issue with another child, but after extensive research we adopted a lemon pointer because they were the most docile dog we could get. We are glad we adopted him because he is the most lovable boy we own. Erin
Great Site, lovely pointers!! very cute puppies!!!
I love your site!!!
What beautifull Dogs!
I loved yor site!
My English is not very good.Sory.I think that your dog is ok
Nice site!!!!
I really like your Male!
Nice Looking dogs & a great Web Site.
you have a very nice website.
Guess what??!! My name is Linda Riedel, but I am not your judge--doing a name search, I found Linda Riedel was quite active in Dog Fancy. I myself do puppy socialization for Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael CA. and I personally prefer those shaggy mutts like poodles and portuguese water dogs. However, your dogs look great. How old (about) is Judge Riedel?
I don/t know how old Judge Riedel is. Just know that she has been with the Kennewick School District for 33 years.
I loved your site!!!!!
What a nice web site. I really liked the pictures of the dogs.
A lovely web site.
hello, you guys have gorgeous looking pointers and adorable puppies:)i am looking to get a pointer in another year or so so i will keep you guys in mind! I had a great time looking at your pointers thank you
Hello, Aces High ptrs. I hope to hear more from you with dog activities in the future. pointer2@d-web..com Dorothy Johnson
Very pretty Dogs on your web site!
Very nice pictures!
What lovely Pointers!
I really liked the pictures of Galahad & Rosetti and the pictures of the pups.
Wonderful website...also didn't know there were other Ousses. I'm glad I came across this website. Julie Anna Ousse, Louisiana...jaousse@yahoo.com
I have officially signed your guest book. Ken Richardson Moscow, Idaho
What great pictures of your Dogs!
Very impressive credentials. Excellent website.
What great looking English Pointers!
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Could you please contact me on your litter. I live in Redmond, Oregon and am interested in a female pup, but was not able to get through on your email. Thanks, Kim Billingsley
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I really liked the pics of the Pointers.
Oh, What beautiful dogs!
Galahad & Rosetti did a good job with the Pups!
Galahad & Rosetti did a good job with the Pups!
Galahad & Rosetti did a good job with the Pups!
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Love the puppies and your website is wonderful. Barb BiBa's Kennels in South Carolina Home of "T.J." CH Kismet BiBa's Status Quo (out of our first litter)and we also have two litters #2 and #3 of pups, whelped in July 2002, doesn't get any better than Pointer Pups.
Love the puppies and your website is wonderful. Barb BiBa's Kennels in South Carolina Home of "T.J." CH Kismet BiBa's Status Quo (out of our first litter)and we also have two litters #2 and #3 of pups, whelped in July 2002, doesn't get any better than Pointer Pups.
Hi Richard & Brenda. Miss you guys. What's your phone number up there? Don Dvorak
Hi Richard & Brenda. Miss you guys. What's your phone number up there? Don Dvorak
Beautiful Dogs and great website Thank You!