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This tutorial can be done with psp 5 or 7

First of all if you do not want to print the 
background on the web page then go to
one of my pages to find out how.

  1. Okay first you will either need a doll or a tube to create a sparkle signature or even if you would like to make little gift or compliment to a fellow member.

  2. There are some good tubes here: may need to go to Window Explorer and then to Paint shop Pro5 or 7 and add a folder and name it Plugins You can download the Vm Natural texturizer which we will be using in this tutorial. at:"

  3. While you are at that site also download variation] and [eliminates black.]

  4. Unzipped the plugin which you may want to save to another file under
    Plug-in zipped and use either winzip and drop them or rather copy to the plugin folder which  you have just made in either 5 or 7

  5.  I haven't worked with Variations Plugin but download it anyways into your plugin and will see if I can find some tutorials for them Another good filter is
    Filter Factory A. 

  6. We will be using once I find the tutorial for later and ask permission from the author of the tutorial to see if I can use it here and repeat the step of how to install it.

For this Tutorial I will be using my own 

Angel Tube which you can also use.

Just copy and save picture if you would 
like to use this image which is transparent already. I n 

This Tutorial I will be using psp 5
and this is the url for this page.

You may print this tutorial but please give
credit where credit is due.

  1. Open a transparent image of 600 width and height of 250 and save it as angeltext in a file you can remember. 

  2. If you are saving this tutorial you may want to save it together. Save all in psp. format till the very end.
  3. Open the tube or image which has to be transparent
    Add a new layer and name it image You may need to resize the height to least than 200 in height
  4. Now add you image or tubes and paste as new selection. and line it up centered on the left side.


Making a Pattern

  1. Now we will be making a pattern with  the texturizer plugin which you
    just downloaded.

  2. Open an image of 100 X 100 and I flood filled with red  FF4040

  3. I then went to image Plug-in-Filters and use the setting of Scaling or 100 and  relief of 4 and Light Direction at top and make sure the invert is not checked as shown below

  1. Press okay and your pattern is done and leave it opened in your paint shop

  2. Okay now you can use the flood fill tool to fill an area with your pattern you just made and click on the Tool Control  tab in the Control palette.

  3. Set the Fill style to Pattern and click the option button to bring up the Flood Fill 

  4. Option dialog box.



  1. Add a new layer and name it text.

  2. I will be using the 3Dperspective font which I do not know where I got it from however if you know please let me know and I will give credit where do or remove it.

  3. Now click on the letter A on your tool palette

  4. I am adding a command gorgeous using the 3d Perspective font with the size of 90 as show below where you would type the size


  1. Make sure the Antialas and left alignment. and your text will 
    appear like floating and now flood fill with your pattern as described in the step Making a pattern

  2. You may have to use the mover  to move your text away from the angel. Leave your text selected with marching ants around it as shown in diagram below and flood fill with pattern.


3.   Press option to get the pattern we made earlier or open one into your paint     shop5. Here is what it look like with the one we made filling in each letter. Then select none if you want the angel with it. If you want only the text then do not deselect.

Preparing for the Animation

  1. I am going to add the angel and text as a whole animation.

  2. Open your layer palette merge visible layers or go to layer and merge 

  3. visible layer

  4. Now that the layers are together click with the magic wand and click on the outside of the image and the marching  ant will appear 

  5. Then go to selection invert and the marching ants will be around the angel and the text.

  6. Now make sure to save the original making sure marching ants are still 
    around the angel and text Click on Shift and D together and click 3 time to make three copies.

  7. Now you may close your original. Leaving the ants marching go to images 
    down to Plug in Filter down to VM natural. then across to sparkle and a menu will open like this. and set the levers as shown below.

  8. I found with this big of animation I had to alternate random seed to have more sparkle per image

  9. Save that image in psp format. in the same folder. Click on the minus sign to minimize it in case you would like to add more sparkles at different random seed onto one image making sure to alternate the random seed from one side to the other. 

  10. The top scroll are the size of the sparkle and the color and the bottom.

  11. I mostly only use the random seed. Now go to next image and go to
    images down to Plug in Filter down to VM natural then across to sparkle 
    and the same menu will show up but change the Random Seed to by save image  in psp format. 

  12. Again if you want more sparkles add the random seed randomly.
    Now go to next image and go to images down to Plug in Filter down
    to VM natural then across to sparkle and the same menu will show up but 
    change the Random Seed to by moving the lever to 62 and save
    image in psp format 

  13. Again if you want more sparkles add the random seed randomly. 


Open your animation with your paint shop.  Click on file and then animation wizard which will look like this. Follow each step as shown below

We now need to resize the animation by 59%  Go to Edit---resize animation 

You should now have three frames of the angel with the text. 

Now if you would like to see what your animation would look like click on View on top in your animation. Now click on animation.  

Now go to file save as:  I saved mine as Gorgeous  Now you are finish.

Give yourself a pat on the back and please do share your animation.


You should now have three frames of the angel with the text.
Now if you would like to see what your animation would look like click on View on top in your animation. Now click on animation.
Now go to file save as: I saved mine as Agorgeous Now you are finish.
Give yourself a pat on the back and please do share your animation.

© Angel Swanie
Please do not place on another site as there is lots of work put into making tutorials

Only to be used with my permission especially a group 
All I  ask for a link back to this site


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