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Making Gradients


This tutorial is done with psp 5 

First of all if you do not want to print the 
background on the web page then go to
one of my pages to find out how.

1. Open a new transparent image 200 by 200

2. Pick two color one for the back ground and one for the foreground as shown below I used 0744DF for the foreground and used E9E8F1

The top one which is the dark blue in this instance is your foreground

The light blue is your background. 

This is where you make the decision of what color you want to use.

3. Click on your bucket which look like this
4. Open your toggle control palette
5. It will open like this which is your main setting.

Now Click on the scroll which on the main setting show solid. 

6. Scroll down and it has four other setting

1. linear gradient

2. rectangular Gradient

3.Sunburst Gradient


Press on option as shown in diagram above.

In this tutorial I am using the linear gradient.

Play around with the different fill stlye and blend mode as there is different results for each one.

I am using the linear gradient and normal blend mode.


Use your flood fill and fill the 200 X 200 transparent image.

This is how your gradient should look like. 

Now if your were to use the sunburst as on the setting on the right  This would be what your image should look like

I named the image above as sunburst2

Now if you want to save it  save in a folder outside of psp5 and if at one point would like to reuse it you will have to open it in your psp5 and then use it as a flood fill as a pattern. and pressing the option which will open another menu

Now if you want to save it  save in a folder outside of psp5 and if at one point would like to reuse it you will have to open it in your psp5 and then use it as a flood fill as a pattern.

Please don't forget to set your flood fill back to normal setting as in #5

Play around with the different setting and see what it does. 
Unfortunately unless you save the gradient as "save as picture " they will not work in psp5.  Good luck and have fun

Please credit where credit is due when you using tutorials as they are very time consuming and very helpful tool to learn from.

© Angelswanie


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