Links to DSL Clans' sites
Below are some link to clan's sites,do visit them and have a look
The Knight of Gareth Keep -
Knighthood One of our allies's website, the Knight of
Gareth Keep has always been our good friend.
The Order of Knighthood
- A insight into the formation of Knighthood - Their codes of Honours
- The three order(Crown,Sword,Shield). - Characters' picture of some member of the clan.
- Entry requirement and training tasks of knighthood. - Some nice stories are in the site too,
- Links to other DSL sites. - To top up the fun,this site offer some midi music while you surf.
Site Status:Good
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The Destroyer of the Unnatural -
Slayers Another of our allies,Slayers are crowned Clan War IV Champion.
The Slayers Features:
- You'll find out the come about of the Slayers
- Their ranks structure and Diplomacy statue of the clan.
- Entry requirement standard is there for any Slayers wanna be.
Comment:Although some of the links in the site is not completed yet, but the site is
still fun to surf.
Site Statues:A little Uncompleted
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The White Tower of Magic - White Robe
Another forces of Good, the White Robe walk in the path of good and serve to bringing the goodness of magic to
the world.
The White Robes Features:
- Indepth talk on the background of the White tower. - Events which the white robe have taken part in are list inside.
- Lists of the current mages in the tower,and those who left to tower.
- Hall of leadership,the past wizards of the tower,and the flow of leadership are talk about in the site.
- Those seeking to enter the tower should take a look at the recruitment standard the tower has given,
- Also what it takes to do clan reclass. - Links leading to DSL sites are in there for you to explore.
- Last thing,if you want a guestbook is there for you to sign.
Site Statues:Good
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The Red Tower of Magic - Red Robe The
Red robe live in Balance, and they bring balance into the world of magic.
The Red Robes
Features: - History of the Red robe are written inside, - Members of the tower are listed inside too.
- Also found are the system of promotion the Red robe are using, - With events happening in the tower plus the rules of the tower.
- Standard for the Red robe's clan reclass are listed, - Links are there for some DSL sites.
Comment:The entry requirement's pages is down.
Site Statues:Good
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The Destroyer of the Ocean - Pirate The Dread Pirates, our worst enemey on land
and at sea.
The Pirates Features:
- They offers info on members of the clan
- The maps and directions inside are very detail,good mapper they are.
- They also offers the map of the ocean both in text form and picture form.
- You get to view and know about the ships of the pirate The Wraith and The Revenge.
- Also their status with each clan,of course they war us. - Last there is a link to the DSL homepages.
Comments:The characters' picture not yet set up.
Site Status:Good
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The Pirates of DSL Features:
- Features members of the clan
- Maps and direction
- Pictures of their ships
- Profiles of weapons used by pirates
- History of pirates
Comment:quite a number of the links in the is not completed yet
Site Status:Quite Good
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The Unnaturals Wyrms - The Dragons
The Wyrms are granted remort though major quests,their power are strong and the older
they are the stronger they get.
The Dragons
Site Status:Good
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The Dark Knight - Eclipse
The Dark knights of Eclipse start for a higher state of evil,yet display
honours in things they do.
Site Status:Good
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The Blood Thirsty Killers - Malice
The Malice is the most evil clan in the game,they'll stop at nothing to reach their goal.
Site Status:Good
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The Knight of Necrucifer - Shadow
The Shadow knights are knights in their own ways.Pathing the ways for their master,the God
of Evil Necrucifer.
- Well other than the main page,everything else is down.
Site Status:Down
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The Order of Magic - The Conclave The general order
of magic combined,the Conclave exist to unite the three towers.
Site Status:Quite Uncomplete
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