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Fishermen to JD's Lodge

This was a shorter flight than I originally thought it would be. It went very smoothly, until it came time to land. I used real weather, and at PAKT, the skies were clear with light wind. I met the fishermen, Eric, John, and Tim, at PAKT, and we all hopped into my TTAC Beaver. I set the pitch for T/O, turned on the lights, tuned the ADF to the TT NDB, which came with Bridgeman. At 13:33, we took off runway 29 at PAKT.

I began cruising at 1000 feet. I turned off towards Bridgeman and headed off towards JD's Lodge.

As I entered the Misty Fjords NM, I climbed to 2000 feet to keep the requested altitude off the ground. Here are some more shots of me in cruise.

Not long after, Bridgeman came into sight.

Here I am speeding by Guard Island Light.

A few minutes after buzzing the lighthouse, I came over Bridgeman

Since this was the first time flying into JD's Lodge, I had to turn on the GPS so I knew where I was going. Once I got there, I would mark the spot on my sectional so I wouldn't have to do it again. Anyways, here I am, flying way too low for the NM, but I was near JD2, so I had to keep it low while I looked for the place.

Soon enough, I came up upon JD's Lodge.

I made my initial approach, but couldn't get a good line-up on the short strip surrounded by trees. I slammed the throttle wide-open and went around. I tried again, and got the same result. I decided to land on the ground just beyond it, since I decided it wasn't worth damaging the plane to land in the trees. Here I am touching down a little bit beyond the runway.

I squeezed through the little space I had between the trees surrounding the runway and the beach, and took them right up to the cabins. During this time I realized that I didn't even see a taxiway off the runway, so it turned out for the better that I didn't land on it.

I shut it down and let them out, thanking me for a nice flight. I went in with them for a drink and met a couple of their friends. Later today I'm going to head back to AVSim Base, since JD's Lodge isn't my home base.

Sorry about the quality of the pics, I picked the wrong number of colors when I converted them.

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