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Biologists to Whitehorse

I saw this job posted in the BFU forum, and had a free time from my new charter outfit, so I took this one on. Hopped into on of Gastineau Air's Beavers for the trip up to BFUbc, and then got the BFU Beaver amphibian. There were the usual clouds, but overall the weather wasn't too bad. I taxied out to the dirt strip, and took off.

I took off and headed over a creek looking for Surprise Lake. Came up on it without much trouble.

After flying to the end of that, I held a compass heading due north and headed to Gladys Lake.

After finding the certain spot I wanted to fly over, I ambled along a river, heading for Teslin.

After the river dead-ended, I headed north and waited to come upon Teslin Lake. Here it is.

Soon, I saw the airport.

As I was approaching, I heard a Cessna was coming up behind me. I added a little extra throttle to make sure I'd get there first and not make him go around, and lined up to land.

I touched down just fine, although I do need to figure out which add-on is making the second runway appear.

Got off, let the guy know, and taxied over to the terminal, where I parked it and waited for the biologists.

I was an hour or so early, so I did a little maintenance checkups on the Beaver. All was well. Then the biologists came, and we got ready to go. The Cessna (which has no business at a gravel strip deep in the Canadian Rockies) took off as we made it up to the runway.

After he got his little delicate 182 off the ground, I taxied on. I didn't bother going back to the start of the runway, we didn't need it. Took off just fine, and headed up Teslin Lake.

I got up to the end of the lake...

...and that's where navigation got a little tricky. There are power lines on the sim that aren't there in real life (at least not 6 months ago), and the road I had planned on following wasn't there. I did a little blind navigating, and finally just tuned an NDB near Whitehorse and headed for that. Later, I came up upon that road, and followed it a little ways.

It died again, and I went back to the ADF. Soon, I came to Marsh Lake, which is really just a wide section of the Yukon River, on which Whitehorse sits. I started following that.

As I approached a cloud that went down to the ground, I descended to treetop level to keep the river in sight.

After we got past that, I went up a few hundred feet, contacted Whitehorse Tower, and got cleared to Runway 31R like 18 miles out. I lined up on Runway 31L...

then remembered that I had been cleared to the smaller one. Glad I was flying the Beaver! I moved over to the other runway and finished the final.

Touched down on the numbers... off, taxied over to parking, and shut it down. Let the biologists out, took their pay, and went in for a drink. Afterwards I returned the Beaver to BFUbc, and took Gastineau Air's back to Juneau. Thanks for the flight, it was fun.

See this topic in the BFU Forum
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