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Honestly, this is my FAVORITE section. I just love it when you guys draw things for me! Keep them coming! [Contact me through the message board for my email address.] These are in no particular order, really. I'm too... uh... scatterbrained to put anything in order.

Shandy by Shadowcat

This picture makes me want to lick my monitor. Heh, I loves it!

Done as an Oekaki. I can't believe anyone could draw this with a mouse. I'm gonna steal her Oekaki Skills. You just watch me.

Shadowcat: NOOO! My mad skillz!


Shandy by Bennett

Pen and Ink drawing he gave me. All I can say is... wow. WOW.

Thanks, Bennet.

This would make a great tattoo, wouldn't it?

2nd picture of Shandy by Bennett

I think the whole "six nipple" thing fascinates him. Heh. I like how he drew me up an alcoholic Shandy. The world needs more alcoholic Shandy.

Barometer Rising Fanart by Shadowcat

Nobody's ever drawn me fanart of my FANFICTION before! *sniffles happily*

I'm loved, I'm really loved!

Dib's son and Gaz's Half-Irken daughter by Shadowcat

They're having a conversation on the roof, where Dib's dad used to always sit and wiat for aliens.

What can I say? I love Alex's hair.

Poor kid, I'd imagine having Dib for a father and Gretchen for a mother WOULD do that to your hair.

Barometer Rising is on when it's working, but not on

Call it my exclusive!

Shandy by Anna

The text says (if I remember right, my brain is stupid) "The Unfortunate and Spontaneous Disolution of a Cuddle Toy."

I remember someone commention that "That's one BIG rubber glove," about this picture, but I don't remember who.

It got lost on my hard drive for a long time, but I finally found it. I knew having 30 GB would eventually lead me to ruin. [And my friends STILL insist I don't have enough space. It's more than enough for me to lose everything, thank you very much.]

  I have some other fanart, but it's currently lost on my harddrive. I need to clean this thing out...

Shandy by Shadowcat

I *think* this is the first one she ever did for me. It's cool... but his eyes are kinda spooky.

*Goes and hides*

Payback Picture

An image that doesn't belong here but got stuck here anyway. I drew art of one of Shadowcat's characters, since she did so much drawing of mine.

Another Image I just found, by Shadowcat

A pen sketch done of Shandy. His eyes just... he looks like a mad baron to me. Really.

Willow done by Invader Westria, can can be found here.
Original, also done by Invader Westria



LINKS TO WORKS ON OTHER PAGES: Cartmn's Girl drew Willow for me, Aww!