| Taliban carried out 'widespread and indiscriminate shootings'' in a killing frenzy directed mainly at the Hazaras and Shi'ite people. Some victims had their throats slit, or were bayoneted to death. The dead included 10 Iranian diplomats and an Iranian journalist, whose disappearance prompted a crisis in relations between Iran and the Taliban. Describing the takeover of Mazar-i-Sharif on 8 August, Mr. Paik (A UN investigator) said Taliban forces had shot anyone they saw moving on the streets, as well as people looking out their windows or doorways. Numerous shopkeepers, beggars and 35 boys selling soft drinks in the street were killed in this manner,'' he added. He said it was estimated that around 3,000 Hazaras, a Shi'ite ethnic which fought against the Sunni Taliban in 1997, were summarily executed, in their homes or in the street, during the first six days after the takeover.
In the Ghorband Valley, more than 1,000 villagers were massacred.
"The pattern of the killings observed showed that men, women and male children were shot, while baby girls were kicked or beaten to death."