Ø Keep the program running smoothly, the children learn best from predictable routines like lunch and nap.
Ø Transitions are often stressful for young children, and they need the comfort and security of knowing what will happen at a certain time.
Ø As simple a change in routine as eh mother instead of the father dropping the child off at daycare can be upsetting to the child.
Ø The child may be clingy or cry easily all day long.
Ø Routines such as meal and nap times should be kept predictable; they should also be kept to a minimum.
Ø The benefit should be to the children as well as to the program organization.
Ø Children should be given a great deal of control during transition time.
Ø When children feel secure with routines that are consistent and predictable, they are usually willing to cooperate.
"Design and implements programs which are sensitive to the economic standing ability, class, health, language, religion, ethnicity, race, age, culture, gender or special circumstances of the individual child."