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Healing Hepatitis-C



(The diet tips are great for ANYONE
needing a purer diet)
Recommended by K. G. PORTER

If you try these tips as strictly as you are able, you should see and feel major improvements right away. If you continue to follow through with as many of the foods, exercise, and supplements I have described here for at least 8 weeks, you may find that you feel so good you will continue to use many of these things, and then up-grade your own program according to your own research and experience. You likely won't need to use all of the supplements I've listed. It's important that you study up on each one to know which ones are right for you. I have included very little for details so that each person can educate himself/herself about why these things are good for Hepatitis-C.

Prescription for NUTRITIONAL HEALING, by Phyllis A. Balch CNC & James R. Balch M.D." is one of the best reference books available: GO HERE.

From the time I began studying nutrition, around the age of 18, I decided to keep learning about the benefits of diet and exercise. I eventually adapted a strict regimen to follow, which enabled me to feel better even before I found out I had hepatitis-C. However, I had no idea that I should have been taking special nutrients and herbs to CURE IT. If you have more recently contracted the virus, you may have a much greater chance of complete recovery. It has taken me over 20 years to research, compile, and test the following information. The past 5 have been focused on HEP-C exclusively. It can all be summed up fairly simply when put in this way:

  Use vitamin and mineral supplements (because foods on the market do not contain sufficient amounts due to mass production), EAT ORGANICALLY GROWN FOODS whenever possible, eat plenty of foods with sunshine & enzymes (picked and eaten fresh within 24 hrs, -also, frozen, sun dried or freeze dried) whenever possible. Drink purified water. Exercise regularly, maintain caloric restrictions, get the proper amount of sleep, and practice breathing techniques (you will find a techique on the next page).

If you would like to know more about natural healing substances clinically validated to work, buy this book:
"Healing Hepatitis Naturally,"
you may do so by clicking on this link.


* Use PRAYER and/or MEDITATION, Starting your day with it is most beneficial

* Take daytime supplements 1/2 hr. before eating

* Always eat breakfast


* Exercise at least 5-10 minutes a day , four to five times a week (at first).
I use an Exercise bike that works arms simultaneously, and a Cardio-Glide. I started out slowly on the exercise bike when I was very ill.

  During the summer I rode my bike, hiked, swam, anything that kept me active. I tried not to over do it, but I found I felt 100% better if I had been exercising regularly. Gym workouts should not be added until after 8 weeks.

* Morning is the best time for exercise


* Do not take herb stimulants or Bee Pollen anytime after 12:00 P.M.

* Eat small portions of food throughout the day to avoid fullness

* Do not eat more than 10 grams of protein per day at first.
Up your intake around the 8th week and continue according
to body weight and amount of exercise you are doing.

* Take a 10 Min. nap during the day, whenever possible

* Do not eat after 7:00 P.M.

* Avoid eating a large meal for dinner

* Take nighttime supplements 1 Hr. before sleep

* Get at least 8-10 Hrs. of sleep every night

* Take hot baths and Saunas (or sweat lodge) whenever possible and use anything that scrubs skin gently while bathing.

* Use essential oils for aromatherapy regularly, on skin, in bath, or inhaled.

* Listen to calming music often; New Age, classical, (Mozart and Vivaldi) and Choir. (studies have indicated that these are the best for healing and stress).


* Use natural Maple syrup (the darker the grade the better) use VERY LITTLE raw honey

* DO drink Purified water; always use it for COOKING too

* Eat plenty of fresh whole Grains, BOILED or PRESSURE-COOKED, try to Avoid Wheat (Rice is the best for this illness)

* Eat plenty of raw, juiced, and steamed Green Leafy vegetables.

* Eat a variety of other raw, juiced, or steamed or pressure-cooked vegetables (if you have arthritis, stay away from potatoes, white onions and green bell peppers)

* Frozen fruits and vegetables are good, preferably with no salt added

* Use DIGESTIVE ENZYMES with an array of enzymes, for digesting proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Also carry chewable tablets of papaya and pineapple, chew a couple between meals.

* Make your own RAW JUICES; do not mix vegetables with fruits (do not mix them at meals either) Learn how to combine the right ones.

* Eat fruits in the morning, Raw and by themselves (you may mix different fruits but not with any other types of foods such as grains).

* Do not mix Melons with other fruits or foods.

* The use of raw Apple Cider Vinegar is extremely beneficial (a tablespoon mixed in a glass of water, sprinkled on salads, or any other way to consume it).

* DO try to use hot peppers once in awhile, but not too much at a time.

* Use Garlic and Ginger fresh whenever possible in cooking.

* Drink vitamin and calcium fortified Rice milk (plain flavor).

* Eat NUTS and SEEDS, always UNSALTED - Raw and/or   sprouted.   The best nuts to eat are fresh Almonds and Filberts , The best Seeds are fresh sunflower and Pumpkin, you can turn them in to butters if they are too hard to chew.

* All fresh sprouts in the store or grown yourself are very good Living Foods

*Colostrum, or Protein made from Brown Rice is best at this time.
Learn how to combine foods


* Sorry, No Chocolate or Cocoa

* No SALT in food of any kind.

* No refined sugar, especially cane or beet

* No Alcohol in any form

* No painkillers of any kind

* No tobacco of any kind, not even second hand smoke

* No caffeine in any form. This means NO COFFEE or TEAS or Pills containing herb stimulants; Guarana, Ephedra (MaHuang) use decaffeinated coffee and teas instead

* Pay attention to AIR QUALITY and stay out of heavy car traffic when exercising or driving somewhere, (If you must, take some extra vitamin C and drink some decaffeinated Green or Black Tea).

* NO SALT, use herbs for substitution

* No cow's milk products except the colostrum, goat milk is great but it must be fresh, RAW, or raw and then freeze dried.

* No animal protein such as beef, pork, or chicken. Do not eat fish at this time either.

* No oils except OLIVE OIL, and GRAPE SEED (extra Virgin olive oil)
  Store oil in the refrigerator after opening, run under warm tap water to soften the amount you will need, use very light heat if used in cooking.

* No concentrated or processed foods, this means foods in packages, cans and jars.

* No distilled Vinegar, eat only Raw Apple Cider Vinegar-(Do not add it to anything hotter then Luke warm)

* Avoid all breads or crackers, (salt and Yeast).

* No pop or juices, (carbonation, preservatives and/or sugar)

* No Sugar, use Stevia Herb available as sugar substitutes in packets or bottled powder form


Avoiding MSG--What is MSG?

In the United States, incidence and severity of human adverse reactions following ingestion of processed free glutamic acid (MSG) is increasing at an alarming rate. Yet both the United States government and many in the medical community have:

1) ignored the literature that reports adverse reactions following ingestion of processed free glutamic acid (MSG), 2) ignored consumer reports of adverse reactions filed with the FDA, 3) ignored incontrovertible evidence that glutamic acid kills brain cells and causes neuroendocrine disorders in laboratory animals, and 4) ignored a growing body of evidence that suggests a relationship between elevated brain glutamate levels and neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer's disease and ALS.

MSG is shorthand for processed free glutamic acid. It is a toxic substance used in food, drugs, cosmetics, and pesticide products without disclosure.

The flavor enhancer known as "monosodium glutamate" was first brought to the United States in quantity in the late 1940s. Today, processed free glutamic acid (MSG), the toxic ingredient in "monosodium glutamate," is found in virtually all processed food. In 1997, MSG was introduced in a plant "growth enhancer" (AuxiGro) to be sprayed on growing crops, and today we know of no crop that the EPA has failed to approve for spraying. A number of people reported MSG reactions following ingestion of lettuce, strawberries, and the giant russet potatoes that came to market in 1997 -- people who didn't know that those crops might have been sprayed with a product that contained MSG.

Processed free glutamic acid (MSG) is hidden in food, drugs, cosmetics, and pesticides. Hidden, we believe, because the glutamate industry understands that MSG is a toxic substance: that it causes adverse reactions, brain lesions, endocrine disorders and more. Furthermore, the glutamate industry must certainly understand, as we do, that if the MSG in food, drugs, and cosmetics was disclosed on product labels, people who reacted adversely to those products might realize that is was the MSG they were reacting to, and might, therefore, refrain from buying any products that contained MSG.

MSG is hidden in processed food

MSG is hidden in infant formula

MSG is sprayed on growing fruits, grains, and vegetables

There have been reports of MSG reactions to produce

MSG is sprayed on California wine grapes

MSG is proposed for spray on organic crops and for use in organic food

MSG is already used in some (limited) organic food

MSG is used in cosmetics

MSG is used in medications

Protein drinks often recommended for seniors, and enteral feeding products (tube feeding) are sources of MSG.

MSG is hidden in food with labels that say "No Added MSG," "No MSG Added," and "No MSG." Also, it can be found listed as “natural flavoring,” or “spices.”

Rapunzel misrepresents one of its products ~ there are a list of things that can be done at this link. If MSG is in a product, it should be stated on a label or warning sticker.

Go to this link and buy, “Food Additives, A Shopper’s Guide To What’s Safe & What’s Not


* COLOSTRUM. Be sure to mix with saliva thoroughly before swallowing.

* DIGESTIVE ENZYMES with an assortment of enzymes for digesting proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and you will need lactase if you are lactose intolerant to digest the colostrom.

*POWER-HERBS, DLG-POWER, (licorice root) by Nature's Herbs.

*HIMALAYA LIV52/or LIVERCARE. If you only try one thing, try this!

*MSM 100% PURE (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane).

* ARTICHOKE Extract.


* MILK THISTLE is likely the single most important herb for Hep-C. Take at least 140 mg. three times a day.

* CRYSTAL STAR-HERBAL NUTRITION, "Systems Strength Recovery-Broth Mix," take with Acidophilus, (do not use hot water)   Also try Dr. Hagiwara's "Magma PLUS." It contains enough nutrition and enzymes to survive quite nicely without all other food for days (if a person cannot keep most food down).
  There are other very good powder formulas with green foods available from other companies. They can build up health rapidly.


* Use herb teas as a drink throughout the day, (read up about their healing qualities and choose whichever ones you feel would be beneficial for your needs).

* Use lower strength Cascara Sagrada or AloeLax if you have not eliminated what you ate 12-24 hrs. earlier. Unlike other herbs Cascara builds strength in the intestinal muscles

* Herbs in capsule form for mood calming:
St. Johns Wort,

*Safe Energy herbs:
Gotu Kola

* Herbs especially for Liver problems:
Milk Thistle
Dandelion root - when Cirrhosis is not present
Astragalus root
Licorice Root
Ginseng- Chinese, Korean, American
DO NOT take Valerian

Store Vitamins in Refrigerator
(you don't need to store minerals or herbs)


(taken in the morning and/or at noon)

* Liquid Choline Chloride- 1/2 Tsp. With food once a day, (it can create a fish smell from pores if you exceed this dose)

* One-a-day Multi-Vitamin/Mineral powder capsules- consult physician about your IRON levels before using supplements with iron.

* High potency Vitamin C (buffered and time released UP TO 3,000 Mg. a day)

* Chewable vitamin C-500 Mg. Tablet to be taken anytime during the day when you feel stressed (also good for memory and mood heightening effects)

* Chewable ZINC tablets, (Boosts immune system).

* Vitamin E (do not exceed 400 iu.), dry form is best.

* Extra vitamin A, 20,000 to 30,000 iu. daily, in dry form (tablets or capsules).

* LIQUID TRACE MINERALS, this is essential! 1/8 tsp. every two or three days (Preferably added to 1 gallon of liquid at a time). It can be mixed in water, tea, or freshly extracted juices. This can aid with water bloat.

* ACIDOPHILUS in capsules, "Enzamatic Therapy - acidophilus pearls" are the absolute best.


* L-Methionine, enhances bile flow, improves membrane function, increases levels of Glutathione - a master antioxidant.

* L-glutamine for sugar, alcohol and tobacco cravings, and much more

* L-Carnitine if weight loss is needed, is also good for the heart

*L-Glutithione, good for aging and and over-all well being.

* (These amino acids can be found pre-capsuled or in mixed formulas).


* Melotonin for sleep and moods

* L-Tryptophan, or 5-HTP


  Here is an energizer drink that detoxifies the liver and alkalizes the system, it will remove excess water retention, and improves mental clarity. It increases energy while the body is cleansing. It must be made fresh everyday:

ADD 3 RIPE LEMONS- made into juice
Add to a gallon of PURIFIED WATER,
(cooled Herb tea as a base, is great for added benefits)
(Drink this throughout the day, in between meals)

  I did not start out with all of this at once, but the things listed here are from the most recent research on ailing livers, (Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Alcoholism and damage from the use of Drugs), everything listed will improve anyone's health dramatically. This can be expensive but you can find some great discounts.
You may be able to find a doctor who will prescribe a lot of the supplements-- Make sure they are all natural.

One last word-
  Because the medical field only recently discovered the Hepatitis-C virus, I had no idea, over the years, why I had to keep eliminating so much from my diet and lifestyle to feel better. My body required special attention but I didn't know exactly why. One day, I suffered a hard blow to the abdomen, which resulted in a "fractured liver" and I nearly died. Prayer and this diet saved my life and my health improved more every day. After five years of using this strict regimen, I improved immensely from my former state of damaged health, in fact I look and feel better than I have in years. I have alleviated all of the symptoms that come from this condition. It has worked for countless others that had once been given up on by doctors of conventional medicine.
Hepatitis C - type one, is considered to be fatal. The longest a person generally lives is reported to be around 20-25 years. It's been nearly 32 for me now. I'm sure I prolonged my life because of the guidelines I used above, especially prayer. My faith is strong, so hopefully I will be here for another 20 years!

My prayers go out to you,

K. G. Porter

  You could check out my store  Zephyr Spirit
for some of the vitamins and supplements described above. If you prefer not to buy online, it might help to see what is available at the health food stores by taking a look there.

to learn about Hepatitis-C.
It is "Elaine's Hepatitis C Primer" page.

To learn a beneficial breathing technique.

If you need to ask a question, please e-mail me by clicking the mailbox below