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Quick F.A.Q's

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How did the Kotzebue Huskies do at the Regional Tournament?

Answer- They lost their first game and won the next two, and in the process of all that they ended a 9 year losing streak to the Nome Nanooks by beating them in their 3rd game. The Huskies ended the tournament in 3rd Place.

What was the Huskies final season record?

Answer- 8-20

Who was the Huskies leading scorer?

Answer- David Lambert

Were the coaches happy at the end of the season?

Answer- Yes, they both agreed that the 2002-2003 season was a great season for the team!

Did the Huskies beat any top ranked teams in the state this year?

Answer- No, but they did almost beat Bethel at the Regional Tournament and they were ranked 8th in the state.

What was the largest points margin the Huskies have won by this year?

Answer-15pts, this game came against the second game with Dillingham at the Regional Tournament.

What were the classes of the guys on the team?

Answer- 2 Freshman, 6 Sophomores, 3 Juniors, 1 Senior. 

Have the Kotzebue Huskies ever won a State Championship?

Answer- Yes they have, back in 1978 when their coach was on the team.