A merger of Sick Puppy Productions and Crazy Irishman Inc.
I/Ø NEWSREEL (10-18-03)
Once again I'm featured on Work or Spoon.com cause I'm the shit. Typical Night At My Store
My journal entries.
Jon's journal entries.
Dreen's journal entries.
Ryan's articles on everything sci-fi can be found here.
QUOTE OF THE DAY - (9-14-03)
"This momentous event, the worst terrorist attack in world history, caps the tragedy of years of appeasement of rogue nations and terrorists, appeasement that reached a zenith during the eight years of Bill Clinton's administration. ... These attacks on U.S. soil are the natural culmination of foreign-policy negligence...declining military and intelligence capabilities, appeasement of Islamic terrorists, and a long span of tragically misguided blunders in Middle East diplomacy. The real legacy of Bill Clinton was sketched in graphic images yesterday, across the skyline of Manhattan, before the eyes of the entire world. Clinton's DNC lapdog Terry McAuliffe said, 'There are no partisans today, only patriots.' But, to be sure, the partisans of yesterday have patriot blood on their hands today."
JOKE OF THE DAY - (7-1-03)
A man goes to the optometrist for a yearly examination. The optometrist says to him "Okay, listen. I'm gonna need you to stop masturbating." The man says, "Why? You're not gonna tell me it really makes you go blind... does it?" The optometrist says "No, but it's disturbing the other patients."
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1/Ø Bedtime Stories (4-2-03)
Open Letter To gadzooks