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We start our story on the George Washington Bridge in New York.As the
rain falls on a typically cloudy night a lone cloaked figure walks
beside the traffic and soon later he bungees off the bridge in
stealth.Just then he lands on a large Tanker and then we see his true
identity-Solid Snake.After receiving his mission briefing from Otacon he
spots a chopper flying past and takes a photo of Colonel Gurlukovich an
infamous Russian militia leader.After a while your mission as Solid
Snake begins.Otacon has recently received information about a new type
of Metal Gear.

(1)When you begin the game you will find yourself at the starboard of
the tanker.Now head left while keeping yourself at the edge of the
ship.When you get to the first set of stairs pick up the BANDAGE
under and keep continuing to your left and steal the soldier's DOG
TAG.Then go past the next set of stairs,keeping to your left to find
a RATION package.Then go back to the stairs and go up it.Continue on
and steal the tag from the next soldier.Go across this alcove and
steal another DOG TAG.Go down the stairs an look for a box containing
PENTAZAMIN near the life boats.Then go up another set of stairs to
find some CHAFF GRENADES behind a box(Use the TRIANGLE button to get
over this).Go back to the stairs at the left and walk in front of the
door.Otacon will then contact telling how to open it.Press the
TRIANGLE button until it opens.

(2)When inside the tanker follow down the corridor and when you get to
two sets of doors go inside them.When inside look for a RATION in
locker nearest to the door in the far-left aisle.Open the one next to
it to find a picture of a woman.Bring out your CAMERA and take a
picture of her(Just for fun).Go collect the M9 bullets in the next
few lockers.Now get out of this room and continue along the corridor
to get into the Lounge.Go inside and knock out the guards.Go up the
stairs and into the door on the right.Now go up the corridor and
knock out the guard.Follow across to the left until you find a
stairs.Go up it.

(3)In the next area you will see a surveilance camera.Lean onto the wall
and slowly move across.Once past it continue on past the stairs and look
for a fire extinguisher.Opposite this is a gap in the wall.Climb into
this to get a RATION.Go back to the stairs and go up it.In this room you
are to go through the room to you left to the kitchen.Then get through
to the next area an go up the stairs.After a small cut-scene go outside
into the rain for your first battle.

                         BOSS #1:OLGA GURLUKOVICH:
WEAPONS: USP Handgun and grenades.
Straight away when the fight starts go to the far right of all the
wooden boxes and shoot the light behind Olga(Do it because it will help
you).Avoid Olga's bullets and hide behind the wooden boxes.Get up from
time to time and shoot her when she moves away from her hiding
place.After a while she will rip up part of the green tarpaulin.When she
does this it will become harder to see her,so look for a small brown
strap connecting the tarpaulin to the ground shoot it and continue on
attacking her.If you can't shoot the brown strap use your radar to kill
her.Remember whenever she says "TAKE THIS" watch out as she will throw a
GRENADE at you.

(4)When she is dead you can take a picture of her "crotch" and shoot her
there just for fun.Then shake a DOG TAG out of her and jump down from
the ledge and head to the opposite side of the ship.Go up the first set
of stairs and up the ladder and collect the THERMAL GOGGLES.Go back down
the ladder and continue on.A soldier will come out and when he does
follow him and steal his DOG TAG.Pick up the WET CARDBOARD BOX.and go
back inside the Navigational Deck E.

(5)When inside go downstairs.Steal the DOG TAG from the soldier inside
the kitchen now that you have the USP.Go to the Semtex trap and shoot
the small control panel beside the fire extinguisher(It has a green
light).Go into the room past the Semtex trap.This is the Storage
Room.pick up the CARDBOARD BOX.Crawl under the shelves containing melons
and flour.When you do that a guard comes in and falls asleep next to
you.Get up and wait for him to wake up(remember he walks to his
right.After stealing his tag go back into the main room of this deck and
go down the stairs.Now go back into the Lounge and go down the stairs to
the left and steal the soliders DOG TAG.Go back into the lounge and go
down the stairs on the right.Go through the door to find yourself in the
Engine Room.

(6)In here you will find a small statue of Vulcan Raven from MGS1.Jump
onto the nearby steel box to ammo for your USP.Go into the next room and
knock out all the guards in the next.When you find yourself next to the
door at the end of the room go through the door.When in here a guard
will come inside so kill him.When thats done jump onto the small ledge
with USP ammo.Then get down and walk towards the door to get a call from

(7)It seems that there is another Semtex trap.Take out your USP and
shoot the white sack on the ground next to the door in order to see the
IR sensors.There are three control units to destroy so you can
continue on.

01-Get back onto the ledge where the USP ammo was and hold L2+R2 and
shoot the control panel that glows green on a high ledge beside the
sensors(Remember shooting the Semtex will kill you).

02-Get down and move towards the door without touching the IR
sensors.Then shoot the next control panels to your right,again beside
some Semtex.

03-When that is done shoot the next panel to the left of the
door.Go inside the door to continue on.

(1)When inside you will find yourself in a long corridor.Go forward and
and get the RATION to the left.Continue on and get the USP ammo to the
left again.Follow the corridor and knock out the three guards.In the
next corridor a cut-scene will follow showing a few soldiers chasing
Snake.Then you will have to kill about ten of them and remember there
are RATION packages and some USP ammo.When they are dead Snake will get
into the Hold No.1,where Colonel Scott Dolph of the Marines Corps is
giving a lecture.

(2)First go down the set of ladders and head towards the left side of
the room and when you reach the projecter crael past it.Then crawl
your way to the top of the room maxing sure you don't get caught and
enter the Hold R2.

(3)In here crawl past the two projecters and then go to the right of the
room and crawl to the top to get to some boxes.Go around them and enter
the Hold R3.

(4)In here you have to get some pictures.First take a picture of the
front of the machine and then take a picture of the front at both
left and right angles. Finally go to the back of Metal Gear and take
a photo of the Marines Corp logo.Then press the TRIANGLE in front of
the small computer to send your pictures to Otacon.

The Colonel ends his speech and soon enough Revolver Ocelot enters the
room joined with Gurlukovich.After a lengthy scene Gurlukovich is killed
along with Scott Dolph.Then Snake approaches Ocelot and we are "re-
introduced" with Liquid Snake.Ocelot leaves the ship in Metal Gear RAY
leaving Snake behind in the water.

As a chopper flies over the Verozano Bridge in New York we are reminded
of the Tanker incident two years earlier.Now a terrorist organisation
,called Dead Cell has held the President of the USA captive on a
cleaning plant where the Tanker sank.They have declared a ransom demand
of about $30,000,000,000(Thirty billion dollars).If the plant blows
up,the remaining oil will set alight and the coastlines environment will
be destroyed by harmful chlorides and dioxins.Now we enter the role of

              PART 1:INFILTRATING SHELL 1:
(1)First jump into the water and look for the THERMAL GOGGLES.Press
CIRCLE to swim.Get out of the water via the ladder and crawl into a
small gap near some bugs.Move to the right to get a RATION.Go back
the way you came and up the stairs and open the lockers for another
RATION.Open the door and follow the passage.

(2)When in the large room look for a computer.This is a node.Press the
action button next to it and fill in your details.Then when the enemies
wake up quickly choke them and the wait for the elevator to come
down.When it does,go up it.When up here on the roof go to the top-left
of this area and crawl under the crawlspace in the wire mesh.Go inside
and down the stairs.You can see the node but it's
guarded get yourself alinged to the wall and punch it to distract the
guard.Activate the node to get your radar working.

(3)Now go into the door at the top-right and when on the [A-F Bridge] go
down the first set of stairs and collect the CHAFF GRENADES(unlike
the Tanker chapter you want to conserve these)Continue along on the
bottom floor and go up the stairs and into [Strut F].Go forward and
collect the RATION beside a door and go into the room to get the

(4)Now continue into the room and drop onto the bottom floor.Get to the
bottom of this room and you'll find yourself at two doors.Go into the
one on the left and activate the node.Then look for an aaie-vent and go
into it.You then find yourself next a the SOCOM SUPRESSOR in another
room.Pick it up and go back the way you came.

(5)Return to [Strut A] and go into the top left door to the[A-B
Bridge].Pass the guards and when inside [Strut B] a cut-scene will

As Raiden enters Strut B the walls are drenched in blood as the remains
of Team Alpha,while their bodies lie on the floor.Suddenly Raiden spots
the remaining members being attacked by Vamp.They are eventually
killed.soon later a lone gunman is about to slayed until Raiden
interveans.Vamp dissapears leving Raiden and "Pliskin" alone to
talk.After a while Pliskin notices that a dead naval officers handcuff
is missing.Then Raiden is given the SOCOM.

(6)When the cut-scene is over activate your radar at the nearby node.
Continue on to the [B-C Bridge]or go back to get DOG TAGS.When on the
bridge another cut-scene will start.

Several members of Team Bravo will be fighting against both Fortune and
Vamp as the kidnap the President.Vamp then takes in his hand a black

(7)Go across the bridge,collecting the CHAFF GRENADES.When iside Strut
go into the corridor and enter the kitchen.There are alot of cut-scenes
here so you'll have to wait.

Raiden enters the kitchen to meet both Stillman and Pliskin.Here he
learns about Fatman and how to disarm several bombs located in each
Strut.He is given SENSOR A ,the COOLANT SPRAY and a LVL.1 PAN CARD

(8)Now you have to defuse all the bombs in Shell 1.First activate the
node and go back to [Strut A].

              PART 2:BOMB DISPOSAL UNIT:
01-When in Strut A go into the lvl.1 door and go to the small steps
   nearest to the surveillance camera.When across it crawl under the
   pipe to your right,get up and get on the small crate to get the
   CARDBOARD BOX.Go to the other set of steps and crawl under the
   pipe in front of you and then the one to your left.When you get to
   a brown/red pipe,follow down its path to find the bomb.Get the
   BANDAGES  next to the pipe and go on to [[Strut B].

02-In here look for a fuse box inside the room where you met Pliskin
   (Also where the node is).It's the one that's open and is beside
   the door.Close it to find the bomb.Move on to [Strut C].

03-When you enter here go into the womens bathroom(The bathroom on
   the right).Go up to the mirrors and look at the top of the right
   one.You can see the bombs reflection so freeze it.Now onto [Strut

04-When you enter the room simply go down the stairs and continue on
   until you get to the stairs.Go down them and walk back to where
   the door is open the small press on the ground.Look for the node
   at one of the entrances to [D-E Bridge].Now onto [Strut D].

05-Now inside [Strut E].When inside activate the node in the top-
   right corner collect the CARDBOARD BOX on the way to the stairs on
   the right.Go up the stairs and another set of them.When on the
   Helipad go to the back of the Harrier 2 and crawl under the wing
   and freeze the bomb.Go back into the parcel room and go to the
   back.Look for a small  crate next top the conveyar belt and use
   the BOX#5 and get onto it.It will transport you to a room with the
   DIGITAL CAMERA.Get onto the conveyar belt and return to [Strut
   E].Then go to the right side of the room and walk down the stairs
   to collect the MINE DETECTOR.Now go to the right of the room and
   go up the stairs.Go up another set of stairs and freeze the bomb
   under the Harrier 2 Jet.Now go back downstairs to the Parcel Room
   and look for a door at the bottom of the room to get to the [EF
   Connecting Bridge]

06-Now go follow the corridors(forget the stairs).You see that big
   square on the floor? Hang onto the left side and drop onto the
   crates on the left side of the room.Freeze the bomb and presto!!
   You'll now receive a call from Stillman.

              PART 3:FATMAN'S REVENGE:
(1)Stillman says that he found a large bomb in Sheel 2 and that they're
maybe another one in Shell 1.He now wants you to go to the pantry in
[Strut C] to find SENSOR B for this new type of bomb.Go out to the
pantry in the kitchen via the conveyer belt in [Strut E] and collect it.

Now Stillman contacts you to warn that the new bomb will go off when all
the C4 explosives are frozen(Just in time for Pliskin to announce he's
frozen all the ones in Shell 2.Stillman becomes scared as the countdown
starts on both bombs.The bomb is located in the Deep Sea Dock,[Strut
A](This is where you started this chapter).

(2)Now you have about six minutes and forty seconds to find it.Get out
of here and head straight to [Strut A].Get to the roof and onto the
elevator(when you walk around the back of it Stillman will contact
you).When down there walk to the dock(where the pool is)and go down the
stairs.Look at the submarine because that's where the bomb is.Walk to
the right of the ladder and hang off the edge of handle bar and move to
the right.Get up and up the set of starirs next to the diving suits.Walk
to near the edge(but not to the very edge of you'll dive into the
water).From here you can freeze the bomb.

(3)Now go back to the room with the node,to find an unwanted visitor
come down the elevator.

                     BOSS #2:FORTUNE
WEAPONS:Photon Rail Cannon
Now here is a different type of boss fight.Instead of trying to kill her
all you have to do is avoid the bullets of her cannon until Vamp comes
down in the elevator.She will constantly fire at objects around the room
and remember one shot from will kill you(depending on the difficulty
level you selected).Stay away from the barrels of oil,as they will
ignite.Watch out also for falling debris from the ceiling.During your
fight against Fortune,Colonel Campbell will contact you via codec to
tell you that Fatman has left a huge bomb on top of the Heliport at
Strut E.

(4)Now get to Strut E straight away.You will have about eight minutes
and twenty seconds to get to the bomb.Go up to the Helipad and defuse
the bomb.Out of the shadows of appears Fatman.It seems strange as he
knew nothing about the ransom demand.

                     BOSS #3:FATMAN:
WEAPONS:C4 explosives,SOCOM pistol
Because Fatman is on rollerblades he is quite fast for his size.Keep you
SENSOR A equipped at all times.First he'll start planting bombs so
quickly freeze them.After a while he'll stop he does get near him and
use STUN GRENADES to put him on the ground so shoot him in the head as
much as you can.It's best to move while aiming used on claiming DOG TAGS
as this will automatically lock onto him.Keep shooting his suit to get
him on the ground.After a while this recess will be over.Now start
freezing bombs again and if he stops right beside you shoot him in the
head.Repeat this until he dies.

(5)Fatman now dies after planting one more big bomb.Grab him and pull
him away and freeze the bomb that was underneath him.Now go down the
steps to meet the Cyborg Ninja aka Mr.X!

Mr.X gives you the location of Ames saying that he is in the Shell Core
of Shell 1.He also tells you that Ames has a pacemaker and to get the
DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE to locate him.He then gives you the B.D.U. and a
CELLPHONE plus the LVL.2 PAN CARD.Now you must find the AK-74 in order
to get to Ames.Raiden soon learn that the Big Shell is not a cleanup
facility,but is the storeroom for a large nuclear bomb and that both the
black case taken by Vamp and Fortune on the bridge earlier is the key to
activate it along with the missing handcuff Pliskin noticed in Strut B.

              PART 4:THE SEARCH FOR AMES:
(1)Go straight to Strut F and then go into the area below with all the
crates.Go into the lvl.2 door and get the AK.Now Get to the EF Bridge
and use the MINE DETECTOR to get to the small bridge in  order to enter
the Shell Core.When inside equip the B.D.U. and AK.Go to the
bottom of the corridor and go into the  nearby door and activate the
node opposite the lockers.Now get out of here and head towards the
elevator near the top.

(2)Go to Level B2 and go through either of the doors continue on down
the corridor.At the bottom of the room enter the computer room and
pick up the DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE in the top left corner.Go to
the right and pick up the CARDBOARD BOX.Activate the nearby node(as you
will be coming back here in a while).Now head to the elevator and up to
Level B1.

(3)When you are here go into the room to your right and activate the
node.Go back outside and wait for a guard to come near the
elevator.Grab him and pull him towards door down the corridor.Move
him to the eye-scan beside the door and you will enter the room.When
inside you will have to look for Ames.He is a Caucasian male with a
bald head and brown sideburns.He also is by himself lying on the side
of a table at the bottom of the room.

(5)Take out the microphone(It is in your weapon select screen)and aim it
at him and press TRIANLGE(Make sure there isn't any guards
around).Another clue is you can hear the beeping of his pacemaker.

During this conversation Raiden learns a shocking secret!President
Johnstone is working with Revolver Ocelot!!It seem that Revolver
alongside Soliduse are planning to fire the nuclear bomb above Manhattan
which will relaese a fifty billion watt surge of electricity.This is the
EMMA effect as all electrical appliances will be fried leaving Soliduse
and his gang called the "Sons of Liberty" to turn the island into
another Outer Heaven.You will then learn that the President is
imprisoned in Shell Core 2.Then Raiden hears a nearby conversation after
giving you the LVL.3 PAN CARD.
Using the microphone listen in on the conversation between both Soliduse
and Ocelot.Remember the size of the text represents the volume.After a
while Olga will come inside.

(5)When that is over Ocelot will come into the room twoards you.Quickly
equip the AK and another cut-scene will start.

Ocelot investigates Ames who soon dies of a heart attack.He then
interrogates you and you are soon spotted.

(6)Now you are at the entrance to the Hostage Room.Head to the elevator
and go to the top floor and exit the building.Now onto Strut F!

              PART 5:ENTERING SHELL CORE 2:
(1)Nowin Strut F go into all the lvl.2 and 3 rooms to get CLAYMORE
mines,C4,the RGB86 and the PSG-1.the room with the PSG-1 look for the
PSG-1T in a vent.Now go into Strut D and enter the lvl.3 door.

(2)This is the bridge to Shell 2.Now you must destroy some control units
again.For the first four use your SOCOM.There are a total of ten.

01-Above the door that you came from that goes into Strut D.
02-Glued to the pump right in front of you.
03-Beside the IR senesors.
04-Again beside the IR sensors.
05-In the top-left corner of the bridge.
06-To the left of the door to Strut G.
07-To the the right of the door to Strut G
08-Mounted ontop of Cypher floating in mid-air above Strut G.
09-To the left of the bridge is a control panel behind some seagulls.
10-The last one is behind the Sons of Liberty flag to the right of
   the entrance.
*In Hard there are two more control untis:                          *
*11-Move down the stairs a small bit and face Strut D.Look down to  *
the left,to find the unit next to a steam pipe.                     *
*12-Move to the right and hold L2 + R2 and search for it under the  *
*    lower portion of the central bridge.                           *
*In Extreme there are also two more units:                          *
*13-On the left side of Strut G on the bottom flank shrouded by     *
*   Semtex traps.                                                   *
*                                                                   *
*14-On top of the second Cypher hovering above Strut G.             *

When they are destroyed there is another boss to defeat after a cut-

                  BOSS#4:HARRIER 2 JET:
WEAPON:Cluster Bombs and Missiles.
Go straight to the door of Strut G and hide behind the railing.Then wait
for the Harrier to make a couple of circles around the struts.Remember
the harrier is the red triangle.Now when it disspears from view and look
towards it and when it speeds towards you fire two Stinger Missiles.Then
when it is above you fire a couple of rounds with the RGB86 and after a
while it will begin to fire misssiles across the bridge from the
side.When it does this go to the stairs and avoid them.Repeat this until
it is crashes into the bridge and falls into the sea.

(3)Now that the bridge is in pieces put out the fires beside the stairs
using the COOLANT SPRAY.Go down the bridge to collect the RATION,but
come back up quickly.Now see that thick strip which was once the middle
of the bridge?Run and cartwheel across to the next ledge and pick up the
ammo.Put out the fire and collect the AK-74 SUPRESSOR.

(4)Go to the pathway near you and quickly run scross as some of the
tiles will fall down.Then at thew end hang off the side and drop
off.Tranquilise the two guards and then continue on ,cartwheeling and
hanging.Then go up the ladder.Crawl the rest of the way despite the
falling tiles(When you reach a guard who decides to "relieve" himself
get under his urine and contact both Cmpbell and Pliskin for fun).Hang
of the edge here again.Then cartwheel across the broken bridge after
picking up the RATION.Enter the door to Shell Core 2.

(1)When inside a cut-scene with Olga will start and another time to use
the microphone.Continue down the corridors,activate the node in the
coffee room and enter the elevator.Go to level B1 and activate the node.

(2)Enter the water and take the first right and go up the next
airhole(blue spot)Continue down the sunken corridor and take the first
left and the next right.You should find the Nikita missiles opposite the

(3)Then go back the way you came and back up the elevator the first
floor.Pick up all the ammo and when you reach the crates opposite the
air vent fire a Nikita through it and move it through the ventilation
system and hit the fuse box near the Presiden.First take a left and then
a right then left and finally right.Then go up to the door that was once
blocked by the electric pathway to meet President Johnstone.

(1)Now go straight to level B1.Head back into the water and take the
first right and get air at the blue area,(You'll then get a call from
Otacon) and continue down the corridor and take the next left and then
right.Continue down the corridor,avoiding the mines and catch your

(2)Open the door to find the body of Peter Stillman.
When insidee go to left to go through the hole in the debris then look a
hole in next wall of debris and catch your breath.Collect the ammo under
the airhole and the PSG-1T(If you havn't already).Open the nearby door
and catch your breath again and get oout of the water.Enter the door to
meet Vamp.

Vamp reveals that him and Fortune plan to blow up Arsenal Gear with a
thermonuclear bomb(Made of purified Hydrogen)created by President
Johnstone.He then says only him,Fortune and Ocelot know about it and
Soliduse doesn't know anytrhing.

WEAPONS:Small knives and ninjutsui skills.
Straight away when the fght starts fire a grenade at him(with the RGB86)
while he's on the water.Then when he jumps on the surrounding railing
shoot all the lights(Because later on he will use his shadow fold if you
don't).Now when he jumps into the water use your M4 and shoot him while
he swims around the place.When he get out shoot him straight and avoid
him until he jumps into the water.Shoot him again while he is swimming
and when he gets onto the railing continue shooting him again.Repeat
this until he dies.

(3)Now go through the other door and get into the water.First go right
twice and then left to get the BODY ARMOUR.Now when you exit this area
take a right and then the next left(Catch your breath to survive).Get
out of the water and enter the room.Activate the node and open the
lockers.One of them contains Emma.When you regain control contact her
again at 141.52

(4)Now you will have to hold onto her and swim to the Shell Core
2.Remember she has a small oxygen and life bar.

(1)To get to the Filter Room,go right then left three times.When inside
take the left pathway from your view.Exit the room and make you're your
way back by going left(and go through the top-left hole in the debris
and catch some air)Go left two more times and take a right.Catch some
air and go through the submerged corridor.

(2)Make your way back to dry land and get top the elevator.Emma refuses
to go near it as the ground is covered by bugs.Take out the COOLANT
SPRAY and use it to drive them away.Pull her into the elevator and go to
the first floor.

(3)Leave Emma her and knock out all the guards patrolling this
area.Bring Emma along and then when you reach the stairs three more
guards come inside.Tranquilise them and bring Emma out to the KL Bridge.

(4)Kill the guard and use the COOLANT SPRAY to put out the fires and
bring Emma into Strut L.When inside here knock out the two guards and
bring Emma to the door on the other side.Open the door and pull her
towards the hatch.

After going down a 130 foot ladder both Emma and Raiden look off into
the sunset.Raiden insists that Emma should get to Strut E before himself
via the oil fences.She does that and Raiden calls Snake,asking him to
help secure Emmas journey across the fence.

(5)Pick up the ammo.Then get the right of the strut you're on.Now equip
the THERMAL GOGGLES.Pop a PENTAZAMIN (use these sparingly you should
have at least five for the next boss)and shoot the claymore mines on the
bridge that Emma is walking across.

(6)When you have done that shoot the guards on the strut in front of
her(Also the Cypher floating around).After a while Snake will contact
you again.He says that if you need help just contact him.Contact him
straight away and let him do the rest.

After Emma crosses across the second fence Vamp suddenly appears from
the water and holds a kinfe to Emma's throat.God does anything kill this

                          BOSS#6: VAMP
Instead of fighting you Vamp has decided to keep a knife up to Emmas
throat.Now her life is in the balance.Use the PENTAZAMIN and aim at his
head.Then shoot him in the head several times in the head until he's

When the battle is over Emma's stomach starts to bleed.Snake picks her
up and brings her to Shell Core 1.Raiden runs quickly acros the oil
fences to Strut E.

(7)When inside go through the door and into the Parcel Room.Kill the
guard and head out to the E-F Connecting Bridge and into Shell Core
1.Get into the elevator and down to lvl.B2 an to see another cut-scene.

Raiden appears in the computer room to find Emma lying on the ground
with Otacon comforting her.Snake on the other hand is takes the MO Disk
made by Emma.When it enters the GW system,everything seem fine until it
loads up to 90% and stops.After a while Emma dies leaving Otacon to
admit he had an affair with Emma's mother.Then he picks up her parakeet
and leaves the room to save the hostages,crying on his way.Then as both
Snake and Raiden enter the elevator,the Cyborg Ninja.Everything fades to
black and all twelve struts and the two cores dissapear under the water.
Then we find Raiden in a torture bed while Revolver Ocelot are talking
about something called S3.....Then we learn the truth about Raiden's
past.It seems he was a soldier in Columbia during the civil war in the
late 1980's.After a brief talk with Rosemary,Raiden is startled to find
Olga Gurlukovich come into the room as she reveals herself as the Cyborg
Ninja.She then reveals she has been helping Raiden in order to make sure
her child is alive(Basically Raidens nanomachines are hooked up to her
child and he dies so does her child).After punching Raiden in the
stomach she frees him and leaves.


(1)When you come to go straight out of the room(Remember your butt naked
meaning your chances of catching a cold and you will lose more energy
from bullets etc.).Activate the node next to the locker(get the MEDICINE
in the locker) and continue on.

(2)When you enter the next room,Colonel Campbell will contact you and
will act really strange(this is because Campbell and Rose are both part
of the Arsenals artificial intelligence system GW which has been
affected by the FOXDIE computer virus.Now this is where all those
stealth practice was meant for.

(2)Make your way to the top of the room without being noticed and go up
the stairs to the left when you get the MEDICINE.

(3)Keep contacting Campbell until he says:

"You wouldn't be trying to give yourself a bogus score by using some
ingenious trick would you?That's just about as low as anyone could
stoop!I can't believe you sometimes..."
(Because when you get your stuff back from Snake your weapons will have
full ammo,because you need ALOT of Stingers for the next boss)

(4)Go to the top-right corner here and enter the Arsenal Colon.When
inside run up and down the room and keep answering the codec calls.Then
when "Rosemary" calls you:

"Rosemary" reveals that she was sent by the Patriots to spy on
Jack.That's why she was always nervous!Despite this she tells him that
she didn't expect falling in love with him.Jack becomes angry and she
tells him that she is pregnant until her voice changes.

(5)Then Jack spots Snake who comes with all of his gear.Snakes gives
you back all you stuff and also the HIGH FREQUENCY BLADE.Listen to his
instruction on how to use it.Practice with it for a while and head
towards the door at the top.

(6)When inside you will be spotted by a Cypher and enenmies will start
shooting at you.Use the M4 and AK (hold the L1 button to shoot while
running).Help Snake as much as you can and don't let him die.Make sure
that you that you have three or four rations when you exit.When you
enter the next area Otacon will call telling that both the Rosemary and
Campbell that you talk to on the Codec are not real but are in fact part
of the GW system in Arsenel.

(7)Go into the next room and prepare for another fight against hoards of
guards.This time use the HIGH FREQUENCY BLADE.During the fight the GW
system will play with your mind twice by making the "MISSION FAILED"(The
words "mission failed"will be replaced with "fission mailed")screen
appear twice.Instead of your dead body scene the will be replaced by the
"playing screen".Use the blade to kill as all the guards.After that
another cut-scene wil start.

Fortune appears and aims her gun at Snake who then persuades Raiden to
go away.Raiden goes up a ladder and then finds himself in the Arsenals
Rectum(Ha!Where does Hideo get this stuff?)with Soliduse and learns what
S3 stands for:Solid Snake Simulation,a simulation to create the perfect
soldiers.Suddenly Raiden is attacked by several
Metal Gear Ray units.

(8)Depending on what diffulcty level you are doing you have to destroy a
certain amount of RAY units.
VERY EASY - EASY:Three units
NORMAL:          Six units
HARD - EXTREME:  Twelve units

                     BOSS#7:METAL GEAR RAY UNITS
WEAPONS:Missiles,Lasers,Rail Gun.
Straight away fire a Stinger Missile at the leg of the RAY unit in front
of you.Then quickly at the head.Do this to one of the other untis and
then quickly to the middle one.Concentrate on these two until they are
destroyed(By the way when four blue missiles come out of the top of a
unit run around to avoid them).When a unit jumps onto the middle of the
arena shoot its leg then its head.

As a RAY unit appears and is about to kill Raiden until Olga comes
along.Soliduse then appears and kills her.The RAY starts to attack him
along with all the remaining ones.He eventually destroys them.Ocelot
calls him saying that the computer virus created by Emma has taken over
100% of Arsenal Gears artificial intelligence.Fortune then appears with
Snake,handcuffed.Soliduse then tries to choke you for a second time with
his tentacles.

Keep pressing the TRIANGLE button until he stops.

Then Fortune starts to leave the area(leaving Snake behind).Soliduse
startles her by revealing that he persuaded Ocelot to suggest the idea
to her and Vamp.It seems he was going to give it them when he left and
let the Patriots kill them while he took information from GW  concerning
the names and wherabouts of all twelve members of the Wisemans
Comitte.When she laughs at his failure to get the information(as it has
been destroyed along with GW)Ocelot reveals the entire truth about the
Tanker and the Big Shell.
Everthing was a simulation of Shadow Moses!!!!!!!Have you seen the
simularities?Olga and Gray Fox were both diguised as Cyborg Ninja's who
helped the hero.A computer virus that momics FOXDIE(Foxdie was a
articficial virus that simulated heart attacks and only attacked
specific genetic code.In other words it only attacked specific
people).FOXDIE killed the DARPA chief and President Baker with heart
attacks in MGS1(Also Ames nanomachines shut down his pacemaker giving
him a heart attack as well as the President.Didn't FOXHOUND(eg.Sniper
Wolf,Pyscho Mantis,Vulcan Raven and Decoy Octopus) remind you of DEAD
CELL?Raiden was chosen as their relationship was akin to that of Big
Boss and Snakes.Also Fatman is a member of the La-Le-Li-Lo-Lu and was
coaxed there if Stillman his enemy was there(If the Big Shell was
destroyed then the experiment would have finished.Fatman was another
test for Raiden).
It was an exercise set up by the Patriots all as a simulation for Raiden
in order to create the perfect warrior.He also reveals that he set up
the death of Fortunes dad and husband in order to fuel her anger to form
Dead Cell.He then lied to the gang that the Patriots had done all this
so she could keep the show running.He then shoots her and she falls
down.He reveals that a new gadget created by the Patriots kept bullets
away from her.She shoots her gun at him and dies(he has one of his
own.Ocelot then gets into a lone RAY unit and Fortune stands up and puts
her hands forward.Ocelot fires bombs at missiles at her but they miss
her until she falls down and dies.Liquid takes over and reveals that he
told Otacon about both RAY and ARSENAL.He leaves in RAY followed by
Snake.Arsenal heads towards New York and crashes into Federal Hall.Then
"Campbell" and "Rosemary"(By they both of them are real but GW
prentended to be them)reveal themselves as S3 that stands something
other than Solid Snake Simulation.What the talk about is very
philosophical stuff(Listen carefully as it can get confusing).I'm not
going to spoil anything so you'll have to listen to it yourself,but the
real Rosemary is also hooked up to Raidens nanomachines.(God!Hideo and
the rest of Konami really worked hard on this).Now you'll start a hard
fight against the last boss(God!I hope I don't get RSI).

                    BOSS#8:SOLIDUSE SNAKE
WEAPONS:Tentacle Whip,Fire Triangle,Tentacle Missiles.
Now this is what you have been waiting for.Equip the BODY ARMOUR and
look for a RATION at one of the corners of the building.Wait until
Soliduse goes into a fighting frenzy with his swords.When he is finished
you'll have about two seconds to hit him with the blade(Make sure it's
in kill mode).You'll also have a few seconds when he tries to whip you
with his tentacles.Keep hiting him until he removes his tentacles.Now
he'll do th Fire Triangle where he charges at you.
Keep using the blade to prevent you from being hit.Now you must him
after another frenzy attack.Repeat this until he dies.
Soliduse dies leaving Raiden on the roof.Then he jumps off Federal Hall
and onto 52nd Street,while crowds build up on the street to see what
happens.The real Rosemary appears and she and Raiden kiss and then talk
about the future.
P.S.Vamp will appear in the surrounding crowd.
Snake then appears and soon leaves with a disk from Arsenal Gear
containing the names of Patriots,Wisemans Comitte.Then after the theme
song Otacon and Snake can be heard talking about the disk.When asked who
they are Otacon replies saying they have been dead for a 100 years......